You’ve never been broken

You’ve never been broken 

Dissolving the story

Colorful infinity signIt is so engrained in our everyday ordinary consciousness to believe that we are somehow and in someway broken.  We often don’t even realize that we are believing this story because it is so all pervasive.  We simply live it and in that way don’t see it.  It is similar to how we don’t see how we believe that we are a body, we just assume it to be that way and don’t realize that we are believing it to be so.  

There are so many basic assumptions that we all have and in this way we live blindly not really recognizing what we are believing to be true.  Then when other people reinforce those assumptions we find ourselves in a box, created in our own mind, of what we believe to be possible.  This box becomes what we call our life.  Often it can feel quite limited and confining, yet we can’t see our way beyond the box because we can’t yet see our assumptions about what we believe to be true.  

The story that you are broken, that something is missing from you or wrong with you, or that there is some kind of problem with you is one of the biggest myths of all times, yet nearly all of us believe it.  Say something starts working differently in your body so you go to someone to tell you what’s wrong with you, to reinforce what you are already believing (that something is wrong) and give you a label or “reason” for it.  Or perhaps something in your life isn’t going as you like it to so you dissect what is wrong with you in attempt to fix the problem.  Or some part of you expresses or behaves differently than others and you try to hide it so people don’t see your “malfunction.”  We are doing this all of the time.  Viewing ourselves from the perspective of “what’s wrong with me” and how do I figure it out, fix it or hide it.

All of these examples are simply stories that either we have told ourselves or that others have told us.  None of them have ever been the truth.  Just a narrative that someone thought made sense and we adopted that belief for ourselves.   

Resting into unbrokenness  

Aligned in your wholeness

mandala fractal.jpgIf everything has been a story then where do we go from here?  This is a great place to arrive.  Once you can see the stories you’ve been believing you can begin to rewrite them.  This is to become the author of your own life and to realize the power you have to write a story that you desire to live.  

To write your story of unbrokenness you must believe that you have never been broken.  This means that you must erase in your own mind any idea of lack, missing, impaired, un-whole, broken, dysfunctional, inept, or malfunctioning idea you have of yourself.  You must stop insisting that you are, or ever have been any of those ideas, even when others have told you that you are.  As soon as you stop insisting that you are any of those things than you will also simultaneously stop creating those ideas in your external reality.  

Due to the fact that most of us have had these ideas of brokenness reinforced to us by authority figures, parents, doctors, teachers, friends and the media it can be challenging to remain aligned in our knowingness otherwise.  When the consciousness of the entire culture and environment within which you live seems to continue to insist on the theory of brokenness it requires that you nearly continually remind yourself of your innate already whole nature, as the tendency to conform to the cultural beliefs/myths is strong.  

The more aligned you become in this knowingness of your wholeness, the less you believe what the culture believes.  As this occurs you will still see others playing out this story of brokenness in their own mind bubbles and creating stories that feel bad to them, but you will no longer believe it to be the truth.  In that way you can be a source of illumination for those that are finding their way beyond the bubble of the story of brokenness.  They may not be able to fully embrace the light of awareness that your knowingness offers, but some of the light of a that larger truth of unbrokenness will shine through and to whatever degree they are ready they will receive it.  

The biggest gift you can give is to know yourself and be yourself.  In this way you are a guiding light and reflective mirror for others to see their true selves.  This is how we support other selves in waking up to seeing and being more of the truth of who they are so that the collective juice within which we all swim is that of our innate wholeness.  

Dr. Amanda Hessel, Chiropractor, Network Spinal Analysis & Somato-Respiratory Integration, Boulder, Colorado

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