Experiencing interconnectedness

Experiencing interconnectedness 

Human and galactic nervous systems converge

16988199 - illustration of the human nervous systemMost people are somewhat familiar with their nervous system.  Your nervous system is made up of your brain, spinal cord and all of the nerves that come out of the spinal cord and connect with all the parts of your body.  Because you have a nervous system you are able to perceive the world around you, including receiving information from your body, and also you are able to take actions on your environment and use your body.  

Your nervous system is your communication system.  Without a nervous system, or without an aspect of your nervous system, some communication is lost.  We can see this most clearly when people have a stroke.  A part of their brain “dies” due to either a leakage or absence of blood flow in a particular area of their brain and therefore they lose connection to being able to perceive or take action in a particular part of their body.  

So what does this teach us?  It teaches us the absolute importance of nervous system in its role and function in communication and connection.  Just because someone say doesn’t perceive or can’t move their left arm or leg, which often happens in the case of a stroke, it doesn’t mean that their left arm of leg isn’t there.  It simply means that the connection and communication within the nervous system to that part of their body has been lost.  

Many scientists say that we only use a fraction of our brain, some say as low as 10%.  If this is true it means that there is a lot of dormant “possibility” laying untapped in our brain.  Like the example of a stroke, some function is “lost” when we lose part of our neural connection or circuitry, this to could be true of that untapped potential as well.  Meaning when more of our brain “wakes up” or comes alive with energy then more information can be perceived, information which was previously unaware to us because we didn’t have a way to attune to it, and new ways of movement and action become available.  

What does our individual nervous system have to do with the galaxy or universe?  Science has now proven that the space between people and objects is not empty.  It is actually packed full of untapped energy and information.  Many people talk about this as the “field”.  There are areas of study that are looking at how this field is organized and some are finding that similar to the human nervous system, the field is also an interconnected communication system, connecting different star systems, galaxies and various locations in space together.  

80799039 - earth. view from space. elements of this image furnished by nasaIf for a moment we think about ourselves as a miniature field (instead of a physical  body) and we are able to perceive and take action within the field of ourselves, that makes sense to most people.  Now lets say that our individual field can expand and as it expands it starts to interact with a larger field.  When it interacts with a larger field now we begin to perceive, take action and move differently because we are accessing more energy and information than previously when we were just experiencing our own individual field.  Its like our own individual nervous system begins to make connection with a larger nervous system, so now we have a different experience of ourselves and thus reality.

How big or expansive our individual field is or becomes, is correlated with our level of awareness or consciousness.  Consciousness is simply a state of being that corresponds with a particular perspective or view and that view has certain amount of energy and information available to it.  For example if our general default perspective of life is that life is happening to us and that we are the whim of circumstances and conditions, or that resources are lacking or could become scarce, the amount of energy and information available to us is capped at a particular amount or frequency range.  If say we have a general default perspective that we can impact and influence life in positive ways and make a difference, the amount of energy and information available to us is capped at a higher amount or frequency range.  And so on and so on.  

When we have greater awareness levels we have access to more energy and information and our field is actually larger.  When our field is larger we are now perceiving and taking action differently then if are field was smaller or more contained to itself.  This is how we begin to experience more and more interconnectedness.  As our awareness expands and up-levels we quite literally become larger and merge with more aspects of what I call the “galactic” nervous system.  

This is how Network works.  The small areas I touch are called spinal gateways.  They are a little access points into your individual nervous system.  With repeated touches these gateways begin to stretch, expand and grow and as they do your individual field stretches into a larger field.  In that larger field you have more awareness of yourself, beginning with awareness of your physical body, moving into awareness of your emotional and mental bodies and also your soul body.  When you begin to touch into and communicate with your soul body this is where you experience (perceive and take action) via interconnectedness.  

Interconnectedness is not some made up concept.  It is as real as anything you currently can perceive such as your physical body, or emotions or thoughts.  Its simply that until we have the neural circuitry to perceive it, and our field expands into a larger field, we tend not to believe it.  So just like the example of when a person has had a stroke and they deny they have a left arm or leg, the same is true for having a soul.  When I say soul it simply means an expansion of your individual field into a layer or level of the field that knows and experiences interconnectedness..  Again this is dependent of your level of awareness, which then corresponds to the energy and information available to you and the degree to which your individual field can expand and merge with greater and greater ranges of the universal field.  This constantly changes, grows, and is an evolving process.  This is why so many people do so much inner growth work, to resolve those things that don’t serve, that drain our energy, and keep us smaller than we actually are.  Clearing those things in our system frees us up by expanding our awareness, increasing our energy range and literally becoming larger as our human nervous system merges with the galactic nervous system and we experience and become more and more one unified, universal field.  

Dr. Amanda Hessel, Chiropractor, Network Spinal Analysis & Somato-Respiratory Integration, Boulder, Colorado