Group Consciousness

Group Consciousness 

Group field effect

The atomic nucleus. Abstract representation. Image molecules and atomsWe are all impacted and influenced by one another.  Never is that more apparent then when collective instability arrives.  For example someone is scared or upset and we begin to notice how it rattles something inside of our being.  We can find ourselves listening to someone speak or reading a piece of news and find ourselves caught in a fear loop, when just 5 minutes earlier we were going along happily without a fear in the world.  The opposite of this is true as well, meaning we can hear someone speak something inspiring or motivational and shift into joy and bliss in a single moment.  This impact on us, dreadful or joyful, can spread if we let it and if it spreads enough, meaning impacts a certain number of people, it creates a group field or group consciousness.  The more energy that is given to a particular thing or idea the larger it grows and the more opportunity it has to impact and engage more consciousnesses into it.  Group fields make information more accessible to more people and with that more people being influenced by the information that is contained within that field.  

Due to the fact that we are all humans, experiencing this reality together, we each feel the effects of group fields to varying degrees.  Our beliefs and perceptions filter how we will experience the information that is contained within a group field.  If we have a belief or perception that is incompatible with the information in the field than that information will not really land anywhere in our system.  However if we have a belief that is compatible or in resonance with the information contained in that group field than we will be influenced by it.  This is neither bad nor good.  Its is inherently neutral.  It really is simply a resonance game.  We are energy beings, being impacted by larger energy fields (group consciousness) and energy either finds resonance and amplifies or finds dissonance and cancels itself out.  For those scientifically inclined we see this in physics with wave interference patterns that are either constructive (increase the amplitude of the wave) or destructive (cancel out the wave).  

When we are talking about group fields it really is about what do we want to amplify (bring more energy too) and what do we want to cancel out (i.e. not add energy too).  Each point within a collective field (being you or I) has an impact on the overall field and how much energy that field will contain.  We often don’t realize that we matter and make a difference to the collective overall experience, but indeed we do.  In fact it would be impossible for you not to have an effect, unless you had absolutely no energy to you at all, which would mean that you were not embodied.  But the hard cold fact is that you are indeed embodied, therefore you have energetic influence that is filtered and directed by your thoughts and beliefs.   

Collective purging 

Embracing instability

Office chaosThe energy with which we give things has an effect.  Not only a collective group field effect, but also a physiological effect on our own nervous system and thus the functioning of our body.  We are all familiar with this through the stress response.  When we perceive a threat, we go into “on-guard mode” also known as self-protection or stress, and our bodies produce chemicals aimed at immediate survival.  This is a healthy response when its warranted.  Its our body’s way to keep homeostasis, self-regulate and purge what is no longer needed or working for the system.  We typically don’t feel well when this response is activated.  Our perspective is also narrowed and focused only on immediate survival.  No energy is available for anything else.  This response is what most people call sickness, though its really just the body purging to keep itself well.  

Purging occurs at the collective level as well.  Times of collective instability such as wars, pandemics, economic crashes and like are the ways in which the larger societal or group system that are no longer working optimally deconstruct in order to reorganize into a more energy efficient configuration.  Nothing is more unstable than collective fear and chaos.  Almost no one would argue that our world is in need of some massive upgrades, that many of our systems need a complete reboot, yet when the waves of instability come crashing in we may not always have the insight to see how what is currently happening is part of what will enable necessary change to occur because we are fully in the “sick” phase where the energy for such insights is not available to us and our perspective is narrowed.  Also although most wouldn’t argue that world change is heavily needed, simultaneously people like their sameness, consistency, and external stability.   Most also dislike putting energy into rebuilding, so when the waves of instability come, we activate our stress response in attempt to keep everything the same and hopefully prevent “bad” change, and then add that energy of frozenness to the collective field.  A frozen collective field will need more waves of instability (meaning more chaotic events) to eventually allow reorganization and change to happen, as change will always happen.  

So what can we do?  Learn to ride the waves of instability rather than being submerged underneath them.  Embrace the constant ever present change that will never stop coming.  Relinquish your attachments to things having been a certain way and invite the novelty of what will arise on the other side.  Discern your fear from your intuition.  Follow your intuition in taking action in whatever ways you need to and that you feel will best support the collective field of humanity.  Meditate and activate love through your entire field adding that to the collective mix; it is more far reaching than you may know.  Realize that your energy will effect the outcome, as well as the learning and change that becomes available to humanity through this global destabilizing force we are collectively experiencing.  Allow any emotions that arise to be felt permissioning your heart to open even more deeply and transmuting fear into love.  Lastly Be well no matter what.  True well-being is independent of any and all circumstances.  It arises as a knowing in you that no matter what you and all are ok.  This knowing and the emanation to it through your field allows you to be a guiding light in the midst of darkness for many.  

Dr. Amanda Hessel, Chiropractor, Network Spinal Analysis & Somato-Respiratory Integration, Boulder, Colorado

Coherency: Personal & Collective

Coherency: Personal & Collective 

Our individuated field & healing

StarCoherency is a state of unified wholeness.  When something is coherent it is a reflection of it knowing its wholeness.  In essence coherency is a result of knowing your unified nature.  

Lets take just your individuated self for a moment.  To know yourself as whole is to be coherent within yourself and to generate a vibrational field within and around your body that is energized and balanced.  If we view this in relationship to the body we have what we call health.  Each part within the body organism knowing the one larger whole system that it is part of and inseparable with, therefore everything functions in an organized or self-organizing manner.  Intelligence, in this case body intelligence, is expressed through appropriate functioning of the body system.  When one aspect, say an organ, gland, or even a cell,  reflects instead a state of disconnection, it loses its knowingness of its inherent wholeness, and this is what we call this disease.  Then we give it a bunch of fancy names depending on what areas/locations are reflecting this state of disconnection of lack of knowing wholeness.  

We can extrapolate that same idea of coherency to not only our physical bodies, but our emotional and mental bodies as well.  When any aspect of our individuated self doesn’t know itself it can manifest that disconnection within our body, emotions or mind, creating a state of disorganization in whatever aspect of individuated self is affected.  

What we call illness, manifesting in the physical, emotional or mental body, is an attempt at survival of a disconnected aspect of self.  When described in this light illness can be seen as the inherently intelligent response it is, however maladaptive it seems.  It is nevertheless only taking into consideration itself and not the whole because it doesn’t know the whole of which it is a part of.  It’s lost connection to its state of unification and is therefore doing the best it can to survive on its own because it doesn’t know anything else.  Sound familiar? This is the state of being that most of us are living within.  

To bring our bodies, emotions and minds back into health we must become coherent again.  No matter what quick fixes we attempt to use to get ourselves out of crisis, if we don’t address the disconnection of our self from our unified whole nature, then our quick fix attempts will eventually fail, as coherency has not been re-established.  This is the major pitfall of our current health/sick care system.   

Collective coherency 

Group fields & awakening

Mitosis of plasma field with particlesOur planet and the human species is currently in a time of massive transition.  We are shifting from being aware of self as an individuated being into a knowing of our interconnected nature, non-separate from all others.  This transition, and awakening if you will, is bursting our bubbles, ideas, concepts and beliefs about what this human experience and journey is all about.  It is awakening us to our soul body, which is that level of ourselves that is beyond our mental body, that inherently knows its wholeness and interconnectedness.  It has not forgotten nor is it disconnected from itself.  

With this the energies that are awakening are moving us from our current person-centered life, where the focus is about remembering our worth and achieving our dreams and aspirations, into a dimension of experiencing that is about what best serves the collective.  Rather than the individual being the center of our universe, the group or collective becomes the center.  We are just beginning to wake up and realize the strength and power that is found through coming into community and merging our awareness with an entire collective of beings, having access to all the learnings of each being that comprises the group.  This expansion of ourselves from individuated beings into collective beings comes forth through the process of the individual surrendering personal self, through faith and trust, into the mysterious unknown self.  Through this your personal awareness expands into a larger field of self and this is where the creation of coherent group fields comes alive.  

Group fields, such as what gets created during entrainment sessions, give you access to more of yourself.  If there is an aspect of yourself that is disconnected, your awareness of that is more readily available because that which is not in coherence with the larger whole at that level will be more easily seen when the contrast is greater.  Also energy inherently always wants to organize to the most coherent state, so simply being in a more energized, coherent field will amplify and organize your own field.  It is easier in a way to come into individual coherency through the group field effect as long as the group field is coherent.  

This is the next level of our evolution.  Knowing ourselves at the group level and generating coherent collective fields together.  At this point transparency is complete.  Nothing is hidden for there is nothing to hide.  All is known as the love that it is.  Self-protection, under our current understanding of it, is obsolete.  At this point our systems are open to that free exchange of energy and information between beings within the collective of which we are a part.  We recognize our wholeness as the collective, each being knowing its inherent unified state just as the cells of our physical body know this at their level of awareness.  We are no longer identified with the body, emotions or mind.  Our identity shifts to that of the larger, the soul/collective level.  This level of identity is highly impersonal and simply detects benefits and expresses itself as all of creation.  It sees creation as a mirror of itself, no longer separate from anything.  

Dr. Amanda Hessel, Chiropractor, Network Spinal Analysis & Somato-Respiratory Integration, Boulder, Colorado