Collective Responsibility

Collective Responsibility 

A step beyond social responsibility

earthMany people are talking about social responsibility, meaning distancing yourself to not harm yourself or others, and I would like to move that conversation even a step further and talk about collective responsibility,  Collective responsibility is an entirely more active process than simply keeping yourself physically separate from others.  It points to how to effectively use this time as a catalyst for collective awakening rather than merely as personal resting time. 

People, particularly in spiritual circles, talk about us in general being in a “time of awakening.”  We often think that awakening means happiness, butterflies, and bliss.  What we often don’t include in our definition of spirituality is that destruction or destabilization must occur before new awareness is realized.  This is the un-fluffy side of spirituality as it often feels painful or bleak, and when it arises even the most “spiritual” people want to look away or retreat from it.  

From how I see it we are currently experiencing a collective purge.  Purging is what occurs naturally as part of a healing process when the body relinquishes that which no longer serves it.  The purge is what we often call illness, but if we did not purge, just how sick would we be then.  To hold onto things which don’t serve us is even more toxic than the purge appears to be.  

Historically we attempt to control and contain the purge because we are uncomfortable and fearful in regards to the uncertainty of it and how messy it feels and looks, yet if we don’t allow the body to purge it will get sicker than ever.  The body of humanity is undergoing this process now.  Many bodies within the one body of humanity are purging.  Purging from systems, ideas and thoughts that don’t serve it and it is manifesting as what we call illness in our bodies.  Recognize that systems that are ill must purge and our body is a cell in a much larger system.  This is part of the healing process that is required for us to be healthier, stronger and more whole than ever before. To allow the impact of what is currently taking place rather than be in a state of vigilance and self-protection will aid you deeply in through this process.  It is when we don’t allow what is occurring that we truly suffer.   

Active participation 

Your personal actions matter

Whether or not this virus directly impacts your body, I invite you to do your part to actively participate with this collective reorganization that is taking place rather than passively wait to see what happens.  The most collectively responsible thing that you can do in my opinion is to use this time to deepen your self-awareness, personal awakening and add as much energy as possible to the collective field.  

What does that look like?  First and foremost, where you can, serve others.  Help out and support.  There is nothing that brings more energy into a system than serving others and right now we need to access all the energy we can to vitalize the body of humanity as its been drenched in fear and scarcity.  Even if you can’t be in physical contact with others you can still creatively find ways to serve.  Second meditate for as many hours a day that you can, at a minimum at least 4-6 hours/day.  Purify and empty your mind so that you can recognize the empty spaciousness of awareness rather than be consumed by thoughts.  Don’t watch a bunch of movies and spend hours on social media.  Disengage from distraction.  Use this as an actual time of awakening rather than finding things to do to “waste time until this thing passes.”  Third clean your own body out.  Eat healthy and stop consuming crap.  I get that most everyone has stock piled cabinet food, but I invite you to eat as fresh as you can to detox your own body.  What you consume doesn’t just effect you, it effects us all.  This is true for food and also what you put into your mind.  

If we all do this, and really take on this collective responsibility, just how much more awake and aware will our collective consciousness be.  Its not even really that hard.  Just takes discipline.  

We are not really individual beings.  Now more than ever we have been given an opportunity to directly know this as lived reality rather than just spiritual concept.  For those who have been on a spiritual path for a long time I invite you to use this as your time to fully awaken to interconnectedness, and beyond that, oneness.  How I see it is that this first big wave of instability is really to help those of us that know ourselves to be light workers or who incarnated to up-level the consciousness on this planet, to more fully awaken so that we can live our purpose here at this time.  The waves yet to come will help more and more of the masses to awaken, and us paving that path right now will serve those to come. 

Though many may actually need to use this time to decompress, relax or have a mental check out from their stressful lives, there are others that know that these scenarios are exactly the reason why they are here and feel the hunger to use the catalyst of this virus to further expand and grow.  To those of you I speak.  Do not waste this precious and rare opportunity that we have right now to collectively awaken.  While the external is quiet I invite you to actively serve, clean out your body-mind, and deepen and expand your consciousness to new levels of awareness that will serve our one body for all future generations to come.  

Dr. Amanda Hessel, Chiropractor, Network Spinal Analysis & Somato-Respiratory Integration, Boulder, Colorado