Communing with Higher Self


Getting clear on higher self

You may wonder what your higher self is.  There are many names used to describe this aspect of self.  You can interchangeably use the words soul, divine essence, infinite intelligence, or inner wisdom, with higher self.  It is the aspect of you that has a wider lens through which it sees and knows.  It is the prime organizer and orchestrator of all things macroscopic, such as the spinning of galaxies, and all things microscopic, such as how the cells in your body function and behave.  There is no form that your higher self doesn’t inform that is relevant to your existence.  Higher self is the source of all information and energy, which gives rises to all of creation.  

Higher self may not be directly evident to you, meaning you may not see some magical being or have some type of extrasensory perception or knowing of it.  However it is evident in the fact that you exist, that your body breathes, that you move about, and that your life endeavors work as they do.  Higher self is in everything as ordinary as your day to day routines and also informs seemingly fantastical things such as psychic abilities, light travel and connection across the cosmos.  Higher self leaves nothing out.  This then begs the question as to how you might experience higher self more in your life when it’s not directly evident to you, particularity when you feel lost, confused, disconnected, powerless or hopeless.  

First you need to dissect out exactly what it means to you to experience your higher self, and what it is you want to know or experience that you currently are not.  Maybe you want to feel more intuitive, have greater clarity, or sense things beyond your physical senses, because somehow you know that there is more.  Perhaps you want to feel more deeply connected, intimate with all of life, and you desire to experience more flow and ease as you move about in your body and this world.  Getting clear on what your desires are will help draw those experiences to you.  Desire is a portal of attraction, which brings to you those things that your heart longs to experience or know.  The catch is that it may not look like what you think it is supposed to look like.  You might not become a psychic shop owner, or be able to “feel” energy, or have all of your body aches and pain go away.  Yet if you keep your eye on your desires they will in someway show up in your life exactly how you need to experience them.  Your mind may be disappointed that it doesn’t look how you thought it would, but if you let go of your pictures you will be more readily available to see what is in front of you, and how it is a match for exactly what you need. 


Upgrading the nervous system

Our physical bodies and minds are vehicles for higher self.  They are both made out of higher self and also allow higher self to express through them.  In a way you could say that your body and mind are technology that your higher self uses to create and experience life through.  Now you might not have ever thought about your mind or body as being technology, but they are some of the most sophisticated, self-organizing technology on the planet.  The wiring and complexity of the human nervous system allows us a range of sensory-motor movement patterns to sense, feel and take actions with our bodies.  That same wiring allows for communication between all of your cells, so that all of the organs and glands in your body perform their necessary functions.  It also allows for language comprehension and production, memory and all higher brain functions.  Without all of this neural wiring your higher self would not be able to experience and create life as it does now with your body.  

Your body’s nervous system is like its hardware. Whenever hardware gets upgraded, for example like when you get the next best iPhone, then new software programs that have greater efficiency and functionality can run throughout the device.  In this analogy you can think of your body as the phone, your nervous system as the hardware, and energy and information as the software programs.  Energy and information are the essence of experience.  Energy being the substance or forms of creation, and information being the blueprint that informs the forms that are created.  When your body’s hardware (ie. nervous system) gets upgraded you are able to access energy and information differently.  This can look like a million different things, but to sum it up there is increasingly more and more coherence in your experience of life.  With greater coherence you feel clearer, more connected, experience greater flow and ease, and begin to expand your perceptions beyond where they currently are.

Receiving Network Spinal Care is a way to upgrade the hardware of the human nervous system.  Network Spinal lays down architecture that allows for more information and energy to be accessed and utilized by the nervous system.  What this means for your experience of life is that you experience a larger range of what is available to be experienced.  Your physical capacity expands, your emotional range increases, you have greater mental clarity and you feel more connected to, with and as your soul or higher self.  

This is not an overnight process.  It takes time to develop this new hardware, but once it’s developed you have new pathways into self-knowing and self-experiencing.  Advancing the technology with which your higher self can communicate and move through means that you create life differently because you have novel information from which to create from.  You realize more and more that you are not bound or limited by your physical form, but that it is only one mode or form of expression that you have at the fingertips of your awareness to utilize.  You know yourself more and more as the source of expression rather than as the form of expression.  You rest into the master seat of yourself and play endlessly with the forms available to you.  

Dr. Amanda Love, Chiropractor, Network Spinal Analysis, Boulder, Colorado

The Galactic Human


A matter of perspective

In some way or other we are all evolving.  We are learning, creating, and discovering things about ourselves.  While it may seem that things are the same from day to day, when we zoom out and look at ourselves from the perspective of decades, we can more easily see the fact that we are evolving and that our experience of ourselves is changing.  Even though one week may seem the same to the next week, it is not.  While there are similarities there is not sameness.  Our experience is different, even if miniscule.  Every second is a complete reorganization from the second before, it’s simply that our story about what we are experiencing creates a sense of linearity, which turns into days, week and years.

As we continue to evolve, or said another way, as we become more self-aware and wake up to more of ourselves, where we see from expands.  Our vantage point is wider and becomes more inclusive of what is already here.  You could call this a galactic perspective.  One that is larger and more comprehensive.  The galactic human that sees from a wider viewpoint is not different than the you that you are now in this very moment.  What is different is where you see yourself from.  The human perspective is typically limited to physical objects, to what can be perceived through the physical senses, and some smatterings of emotions and thoughts.  The galactic perspective includes all of those aspects of being a physical human, but it also takes into account more.  Inside its perspective is the world of subtle energy, the simultaneity of everything happening all at once and the interconnected heart.  Vibrational communication, transmission of energy and information through your mind-body rather than identification as the mind-body, and the inclusivity of everything inside of one being, are natural to what it knows.  

Integrating as the galactic human is really a matter of perspective.  How we see ourselves and what the mirrors around us tell us that we are, are key components to living more galactically informed.  If we keep looking out from the same glasses and into the same mirrors, we will keep getting the same information.  However if we have a new set of glasses or different reflections, then we can see ourselves from wider perspectives.  When we see ourselves, or are seen as the galactic human, we instantly become it.  I say instantly because we already are it, it’s simply that now we can see it.  The seeing of it makes it come alive inside of our experience of ourselves.   


Knowing what you are

There can be a tendency to want to escape from here, from where we are now on this planet we call earth.  We have an idea that somewhere, or really anywhere else in the galaxy, is better than here.  It can be challenging to see the magic of being human on this planet at this time with all of the incoherence that exists among and between the people here.  Incoherence is simply a confusion in the system due to a lack of awareness of self.  Confusion is a non-seeing or a mis-seeing or what one is, a not knowing or lack of recognition the nature of ourselves.  We don’t feel, see or know that we are love and therefore we don’t experience anything as magical.  Rather our experience is of dread, discontent, anxiety, depression and the like.  When we don’t clearly see ourselves our experience reflects our very own confusion back to us.  

Our confusion doesn’t ever touch what we are.  The love doesn’t go anywhere.  It is always here simply waiting to be seen or recognized.  When it is seen it feels amazing.  We may have some initial resistance to it in that we may not feel worthy of it, yet deeper down inside we feel the inklings of what can only be described as home.  A remembrance or knowing of ourselves, even if it’s not fully clear or we push it away some.  Something gets touched, activated, and presenced even if only for a moment.  A moment is enough.  It is enough to remember and each remembering builds upon itself.  You can’t unsee what you’ve seen.  While you may attempt to deny or posture around it in order to prove that you aren’t worthy of it, even still you can’t not be worthy of what you are.

The more we see and remember ourselves, the less confusion we experience and we become increasingly coherent.  We literally create a more coherent field in and around us.  This field of coherency allows us to have a different experience of being human.  An experience that appears and feels more magical, more alive and more expansive.  It allows us to experience ourselves galactically, interdimensionally, multidimensionally and communicating with greater and greater aspects of ourselves.  While these things might seem otherworldly, or simply other than you, they are not.  They are you, at and from a wider perspective of yourself.  You don’t communicate with other beings in other worlds, but instead you realize that you are a larger being that is more inclusive of what you currently perceive to be other beings and other worlds.  You bring the magic and aliveness that you project and idealize as living somewhere else in the cosmos and bring it here now inside of your current experience.  

The galactic human simply knows what it is.  It knows that it is love.  It is unmovable in this knowing.  This knowing reawakens the love that already is and brings it into a pulsing, alive, felt experience.  Your heartbeat and the beat of the planet fall into resonance.  Your lived experience becomes harmoniously aligned with the heart of creation and the interconnection of yourself at all levels of your being.  The living galactic human is being breathed through your body as you are now.  It is relaying itself through your mind and informing your actions.  See yourself as what you are, find and receive reflections wherever you can, and more and more your lived experience will reflect that of the galactic human.  

Dr. Amanda Love, Network Spinal Analysis Chiropractor, Boulder, Colorado

Remembering Your Future


Conviction in what has already been

What if you knew that you were capable of achieving whatever it is that you desire, even if from where you stand now it feels confusing, scary or overwhelming?  If somehow you saw the path of your future self, the one that already accomplished whatever it is you are currently wanting to do?  Imagine the sense of confidence you would feel in the knowing that you already did whatever it is you are working towards now.  That you already somehow, someway did it, and now you know it can and has been done by you.  Perhaps you don’t know all the details, but you’ve glimpsed that it’s possible, and beyond possible, that you literally have already found the way, already walked the steps, figured all the things out, that you now know.  Just like you know what you did yesterday, last week and last year, you also somehow know what you did tomorrow, next week and next year.

Perhaps this seems far stretched for some of you.  After all it appears that time goes in one linear direction and that you can only know what has happened in the past.  You may wonder how you could possibly know what happens in the future from where you stand now, but what if you can?  What if you can remember your future just like you remember your past?  You may argue that the future hasn’t happened yet, so how could you know it, but how do you know for certain that the future hasn’t happened yet?  How do you know for certain that everything isn’t happening all at once, but that your awareness is simply tuning into this particular location, which you call your current present moment?  Just because you’ve been experiencing life in a certain way doesn’t mean that it’s only that way.  

The conviction that we have of our past experiences is strong.  For example say that you went to the grocery store yesterday to get groceries.  If I asked you right now if you went to the grocery store yesterday you would be 100% convicted that you did.  It would likely be impossible for me to tell you differently.  You simply wouldn’t believe me, because you have 100% knowing that you did.  You can see the groceries in your refrigerator as proof.  You could say you are fully confident in what you did yesterday.  What if you could use that same skill, but for the future.  If you were 100% convicted today in what you did tomorrow.  If you already knew what you did in the future it would be impossible for me or anyone else to tell you differently, including your own self.  You would have zero doubt in what’s possible, what you are capable of, and what’s been achieved.  


Information from your future self

While remembering your future equally to remembering your past might not yet seem possible to you, recognize it’s only because you have a belief that life doesn’t work this way.  You have a belief that life goes in just one linear direction and your belief gets reinforced by you then experiencing life in one linear like fashion.  Entertaining the possibility that perhaps life is happening in all directions might seem like sci-fi.  Yet the conviction we feel by the certainty of our experience is a potent determiner of our experience.  Getting this and opening into the possibility that perhaps you can experience life in a different order than you’ve been experiencing it up this point, will clearly provide you with an unshakeable certainty of what is.  This unshakeable certainty will/does manifest as your reality, because what we experience as reality is simply what we are certain about.  

Take anything that you desire to experience or hope for in the future, and put it in the forefront of your mind.  Perhaps it’s financial abundance, a contribution to others, a beach house, a relationship, a healthy body or really anything else that you desire.  Rather than somehow trying to create or manifest this vision, simply tune into how you’ve already gotten there.  Even if you don’t yet know all the details, simply allow yourself to see how you’ve already done it.  Just like you see what you did yesterday, see what you did tomorrow.  Also see how you’ve previously accomplished things that you once felt like you didn’t know how, but that you did accomplish them somehow.  See that you did and can.  See that you know the path even if the details aren’t fully clear.  This isn’t make believe although it might feel like you are making it up at first.  Recognize that you have already done this thing that you desire to do or experience.  Somehow, someway you’ve already accomplished this.  Feel how good it feels to arrive and also how good it feels to know that you already know how to arrive.  

What we know, we experience.  What we feel uncertain about we hope and pray will work out, which never feels good because our locus of power is outside of us.  Knowing is self-generated.  It doesn’t come from your experience, it comes from you and then it penetrates your experience.  You can simply just decide to have conviction in whatever it is you want.  You don’t need to wait for some special knowledge or experience first, unless you want to.  When you come from your future self that has already achieved what you desire to now, there is no special thing you will tell yourself per say.  Rather it’s simply the knowingness of, “well of course that’s how it is.” 

Let your future self be the vibrational blueprint of completion for you.  When you do there will be nothing stopping you, because the only thing that ever stops us are our doubts.  When you simply know, you take actions inside of that knowing, which you know will lead to what you already know has been accomplished.  In this way you can just relax and enjoy the ride.  Your conviction is what is steering the ship, the completion has already been taken care of.  Life is the experience of the details in between the two now moments.  You get to experience those details in whatever way you would like, but when you come from conviction it is often a more joyful experience.  As always the choice is yours.

Dr. Amanda Love, Network Spinal Chiropractic, Boulder, Colorado

See As Your Higher Self Sees


Working with discontent

Many of us relate to our presence and purpose for being here on this earth as bridging the gap between spiritual knowing and human experience.  But what does that really mean, and beyond meaning, what does it require of us?  We may be aware of our higher self, or of a self that sees and knows that all is well and perfect.  While the perspectives and knowings of this self are easy to tap into when we like what we see and feel inside of our human experience, our higher self’s perspectives and knowings just as easily go out the window the moment we experience discontent, powerlessness, irritation, sadness or anything else that we don’t like feeling.  The heaviness of heart that arises in the face of experiencing what we don’t want or prefer to, disconnects us from the view that our higher self sees.

Likely most are familiar with heaviness of heart.  For many it may actually be all they know.  Some people live in a perpetual state of discontent and it is so familiar that they don’t even realize they are living it.  Discontent has simply become their mode of operation.  This state of heaviness comes with the point of view that if only things, people and experiences could somehow be different, then everything would be better.  While this point of view may be valid, things might be better if they were different than they are, it doesn’t change the fact that things are as they are now.  Our hoping that things will be different keeps us from accepting things as they are.  The paradox of this all is that things often don’t shift or change until they are accepted in their current configuration.

If we want to bridge the gap between our spiritual knowings and human experiencing we must bring our spiritual knowings into this human experiencing.  That doesn’t mean teaching others about what the most enlightened perspective is from our point of view.  Rather it means seeing spirit inside of this human experience exactly as it is currently configured.  While you may have incarnated to do or create particular things, your intention for doing those things should simply be because it brings you joy to do them, not because you think they are going to fix this world or the people in it.  The people and the world don’t need fixing, they only need love.  If you really tune into your true desire for existing it is likely only to be and share love through your creations and not to fix anything.  Fixing brings a weight, pressure or burden with it, where creating just to express and share love, feels joyous and light.    


Avoiding death and failure

One of the prime things that keeps us out of accepting what is now, is that we don’t understand why things are the way they are.  Especially if we have vision and can see all of the grand possibilities for what the human experience could be for ourselves or others, we get stuck in our own confusion about the way it is and needing to make sense of it all.  This needing to make sense of it or coming to terms with the state of whatever it is you are currently experiencing in your reality, postpones your acceptance of it.  Sometimes acceptance feels like death.  That death is the death of the dream or the vision that you are wishing was, rather than what is.  Sometimes acceptance feels like failure.   The failure of making happen what you think you were supposed to make happen, or things being what you hoped they would have been or are. 

We avoid feeling failure and death at all costs, hence the postponement of acceptance.  The thing is that all we are really avoiding are our ideas about what is or is supposed to be.  If we let go of our ideas about perfectionism, idealism, better than and the like, then we can actually experience those things inside of our current experience.  It is our ideas about what is or what is supposed to be, that keep us from bridging the gap of spiritual knowing and human experiencing.  These ideas or ideals keep us from seeing as our higher self sees.  

I am not suggesting that you lower your standards.  Quite the opposite.  You must continue to discern what feels aligned for you to participate with or not.  Beyond that I invite you to raise the standards for how much love you can be and see inside of what is.  Your reality responds to how you see it.  If there are aspects of your reality that persist in the ignorance of themselves and deny the love you see them as, then you may find it appropriate to not directly engage with those elements.  Not from a place of resistance, frustration or irritation, but rather from a moving towards or along the path where the love you see everything as is available to be received.  You don’t need to exhaust yourself in attempting to have love be received.  Rather allow it to simply be an invitation or offering that can be received or not, and move along your path appropriately.  There is no failure when you come from love, even if things don’t match up to how your ideas think they should be.  

Understand that you don’t need to understand why it all is the way it is.  Why things have occurred or do occur as they do.  Understanding is not required in order to love.  Love is how your higher self sees.  It sees and knows all as love.  Even if there are elements or aspects of creation that are ignorant to knowing themselves as love, still your higher self sees and knows it all to be love.  Next time you experience or see ignorance inside of this human experience, simply remind yourself that ignorance too is love, love that has forgotten itself.  Turn your heart towards love and move in the direction that is most aligned for you.  

Dr. Amanda Love, Network Chiropractic & Somato-Respiratory Integration, Boulder, Colorado

Letting Your Soul Be Seen


Finding your heart

Whether you know it or not, you are an expression of light.  The light is the one infinite source of all of life.  Everything that is created comes from this source.  The light is clear, pure, aware, intelligent, and it just is.  Pure being.  Endlessly radiating.  You can’t not be this even if you try hard not be it, deny it or don’t know it.  Regardless, your fundamental essence is a spark of the brightest light you could ever imagine.  That spark is called the Soul.  Other terms that could be used to describe it are your Higher Self, the Heart, or Love.  That spark of purity and innocence can be most easily seen and felt in babies the first few months after they are born.  They do not have the filters, dampeners or defenses in place yet that distort the light.  The light and love they emit is clearly evident and transmitted.  They are not attempting to hide, dim or deny anything.  

As we develop our body and mind, and begin to have experiences, we start to bend the light that we are.  This doesn’t make us any less the light, but rather only adds twists, turns, and rotations to the light’s expression as it moves through the vehicles of our body and mind.  Some of these twists and turns distort or block our knowingness or remembrance of the spark of light that we are.  This means that we forget that we are a Soul, but again and of prime importance, our forgetting of what we are doesn’t make us any less it.  We are still a Soul.  That never changes.  Our light, our presence is never touched by our forgetting of it.  

Also just because you forget something or it’s blocked from your view, doesn’t mean that you can’t remember it or discover where it’s been hiding out.  Just like you can forget where you put your keys and then you can find them, it’s the same for your Soul.  It may take some work to untwist and detangle some of the stuff so that you can begin to see your pure essence, hence the need for inner work of increasing one’s awareness of self.  You typically don’t find your keys unless you look for them.  The best is when you’ve been looking for them and all the while you were holding onto them in your hand.  This is what it is like to re-discover your Soul.  You seek to find it and then realize it’s been with you all along.  Still we must do the seeking in order to uncover and  realize what is already here.  


Doing the inner work

The distortions of light develop in response to a perceived need to protect ourselves from hurt or harm.  When we perceive threat, we twist or turn in order to move away from or not feel physical, emotional or mental pain.  While these twists and turns dampen our experience of suffering, they also dampen our experience of being the source of light that we are.  We lose sight of our Soul.  Hence the massive amount of spiritual disconnection most of us feel.  This process occurs mostly unconsciously.  If we were self-aware, we would turn towards the experience, feel the impact, allow the sensations, feelings and thoughts to move through us, open our heart to the source of pain, love it and remain connected to our Soul.  If you are avoiding feeling the feels of life and protecting your heart, you can’t love with it.  Love is the portal into Soul.  This is the path of healing and what you learn to do as you spiritually wake up.

So while our self-protective defenses serve an important function of personal and social survival, they distort our experience of the light.  Our defenses are intelligent and the moment they perceive threat they will activate.  You could also exchange the word threat with the word stress.  When you feel stress, something feels scarce or threatened, even if you aren’t aware of what feels scarce and threatened.  You might not even associate the words stress or overwhelm with feeling threat.  This is why it’s so important to do your inner work.  Through inner work you wake up your own awareness to yourself.  You bring the light back.  You begin to see your defenses, why they get activated and what is underneath them.  As soon as you see through them they unwind.  The bends unbind and you open into your Soul.  The light is clearer and you can see yourself again.

Once we begin to open into our Soul we typically feel lighter, freer and more expansive.  However we can have all kinds of stories and beliefs as to why it is not safe to allow others to see our Soul or why it’s not safe to fully express ourselves.  Our defenses can arise just that quickly again.  We fear judgment from others or that we are unworthy of being the light that we are.  We are afraid people will reject or feel bad around us if we express and allow the light that we are to be seen.  We might feel some shame for feeling bliss or ecstasy, or feel too big and bright.  We fear people’s confusion as to why we are the way we are and what we are experiencing and expressing.  We jump into the practicalities of life and prioritize them rather than valuing the expression of our Soul.  We grasp back onto our stressors and irritations, wanting to hold onto them rather than dissolve into our Soul where they are all resolved.  

It is vulnerable to let our Soul, Heart and true Self be seen.  However the more inner work you do to increase your awareness of your patterns the less you will perceive threat, and the less vulnerable it will feel to express the light of your Soul.  It will just be you, being you, heart wide open, undefended, feeling the feels of life, allowing what is to be and loving it all exactly as it is.  

Do the work to remember the spark that you are and then let it be seen.

Dr. Amanda Love, Network Spinal Analysis Chiropractic, Boulder, Colorado



Your high self is here now

Entrainment is a process of two independent systems or frequencies coming into alignment or phase with one another.  We can see this in biology as our circadian rhythms (i.e. light/dark sleep cycles) come into alignment with the seasons or time changes.  We also see this in physical systems such as when two individual pendulum clocks that are sitting on the same surface become synchronized to each other in their movements.  Energy gets transferred between the two independent moving systems and eventually they get locked into phase or frequency together for the period of time that they are interacting.  

Our individual physiological, psychological and I’ll even say our spiritual frequencies or rhythms can respond and lock into phase with other frequencies or oscillating bodies.  This in fact how spinal entrainment works when you are laying on the table receiving Network Care.  One spinal segment or oscillator interacts with another spinal segment or oscillator and they entrain to each other, hence why we call the sessions entrainments.  Entrainment is happening all of the time though it’s mostly unconscious to us.  Individual cells in our body are entraining to rhythms or frequencies put out by master gland or organ systems.  If we are around one person a lot we will start mimicking some of their behaviors or even moving or sounding like them.  When we attend a retreat or healing program we will start entraining to the field that is created there with the intention that is set by those who are running the program.  This is why we might have access to different thoughts, emotions or spiritual frequencies that we don’t typically have access to when we are there.  

To me the process of entrainment clearly demonstrates that everything is vibrating/oscillating energy or frequency, and when we come into different environmental conditions, energies will vibrate or oscillate together.  In the process of entrainment, whatever energy or vibration is stronger or more coherent, that is the one that the two will come together and oscillate as.  If you have followed this so far then you could extrapolate that your higher self, which is that self that knows, understands, and sees from a much wider vantage point such as like the perspectives of an eagle to an ant, is also energy or frequency.  It’s simply vibrating at a different frequency than the one that your conscious mind is vibrating at right now.  Energy can never be created or destroyed which means that the frequency of your higher self is here now in existence.  Even if you don’t have conscious awareness of it, it is here among the frequencies of creation and is part of the cosmic environment.   


Becoming in phase with your higher self

I often talk about focus and where we place it.  Our focus, meaning our awareness, will only notice what we choose to tune into.  For example if we are not at all interested in basketball we will probably never see a basketball game.  We know it exists, but we place no awareness or energy into noticing its existence.  If however you are incredibly interested in chocolate you will likely seek out chocolate wherever you go, meaning it will be inside of your experience a lot of the time.  Even though it seems like “spiritual” things are more elusive than say basketball or chocolate, using your focus or awareness works the same way.  If you have no interest in seeing angels you will likely never see one, however if you have an intense desire and love of angels you will more likely interact with them because your desire, focus and love brings them into your environment.  I see this the same as for your higher self.  

You might ask yourself how much energy, time or focus you give to your higher self?  Equally you may ask yourself how connected you feel to it?  You may even have to ask yourself if you believe in it.  If not that is totally ok, however you will likely need to shift that belief if you have desire to make contact with it, as our beliefs generate our experiences.  Imagine for a moment what it would be like to feel clear, confident, easeful, peaceful, rested, vital, aligned, fearless, abundant, blissful, wise, loving, compassionate, discerning and endlessly energized.  These are some of the frequencies that your higher self is constituted as.  What if connecting to these frequencies is the equivalent of entraining to your higher self?  What if as you use your focus to tune into these qualities of higher self you entrain or become more and more in phase with the frequency of your higher self?  It is after all just physics and biology at play in the realm beyond our ordinary visual sense awareness of what is.

Focus is one of those things that is not very natural for most.  Most of us can’t choose to one-pointedly focus on whatever we choose for as long we want.  We will get distracted nine hundred billion times by thoughts, feelings and sensations.  So if we want to use focus then we must train it just like we would train any other muscle.  In my humble opinion training your focus is probably the most worthwhile muscle to train because your ability to focus is your power.  Focus can activate every single super power that currently lays dormant in the infinite field of vast consciousness.  It is the attractive force of the universe.  It is what allows instant manifestation to occur.  Meditation is probably the best tool currently in existence to help you build your focus muscle.  

Entraining to the frequency of your higher self locks your current state of being into phase with your higher state of being, meaning your current state entrains to your higher state.  For as long as you maintain your focus on your higher self you will create the environmental conditions for entrainment to happen.  As soon as you lose focus, you fall out of the conditions required for entrainment and begin operating as a separate independent system again, entraining to your ordinary state of being and knowing.  Focus is the key, which is fueled by practice and your desire to live a more magical experience of existence.  

Dr. Amanda Love, Chiropractor, Network Spinal Analysis & Somato-Respiratory Integration, Boulder, Colorado



Birthplace of programs, patterns & conditions 

Often in spiritual circles we talk about deprograming or de-conditioning ourselves from the programs and conditions we’ve learned, which are either untrue or don’t serve us any longer.  Much of our personal work and development is focused on dismantling these patterns that create inauthentic ways of being, so that ultimately we can simply be ourselves just as we are with nothing added or subtracted.  In fact much, if not all of our suffering, stems from disconnection from ourselves (i.e. not knowing ourselves) and then attempting to be someone or something out of that sense of disconnected emptiness.  This creates the entire gamut of patterns, programs, strategies and conditions that come along with attempting to be someone or something other than what we nakedly and innately are.  

What are these programs, patterns and conditions really made up of?  All patterns are simply made up out of thought.  Those thoughts inform, direct and mold the forms and behaviors that you see and experience.  The root of thoughts are beliefs, the root of belief is perspective, and the root of perspective is simply perception or the ability to perceive.  So the fact that you can perceive (i.e. that you are aware) creates a perspective or lens from which beliefs, thoughts and forms are birthed or brought into creation.  Each level back is less conditioned or patterned.  Forms are the most conditioned or patterned, thoughts a little less so, beliefs even less so, perspectives less so than beliefs, and pure perception/awareness is the least conditioned.  This is why as people become more steeped in pure awareness (which is the most refined or primordial essence or substance if you want to call it that) the more transparent they become.  Transparent in actual form, less fixated in thought, and less biased and strongly held in their beliefs.  This is the space of what all of the work of de-conditioning or deprogramming brings us all directly into contact with and ultimately shifts our sense of identity.  

See when we are fixated on the body and the thoughts in our head we think ourselves to be a separate human being, that becomes our identity.  Be clear that separate human being is just a thought.  When we start to recognize the beliefs that create the thoughts and forms, we see ourselves as less and less separate as we begin to be able to change our thoughts and see the direct impact of that change on our physical world.  This makes us feel less separate from and more a part of or interconnected, so our identity is more like a web of beings rather than just a separate individual being.  When the beliefs become clearer and clearer and lighter and lighter we open into the recognition of perspective, which is like the lens through which light is focalized.  Here our identity is that of what I would call the soul or higher self.  We realized our selves beyond a linear timeline seeing our entire trajectory or journey forward, backward and now.  Until finally even the lens is transcended and all that remains is pure light or pure awareness, which is non-localized, spacious, all encompassing and all pervasive.  Here identify is just one, one beingness, which is what I call the God state.   


Giving the gift that you are

Now that we are clear on how conditions arrive in the first place we can easily see that as we track our way back to the source of it all we arrive in that unconditional, non-localized, all pervasive space of ourselves.  This is the purest state of being possible and it is your true self; it is what and who you are.  (Side note: There is a traversing beyond beingness itself which is to remove yourself completely from creation. It is quite advanced and another transition all together which I will not address in this article.)

When you know yourself as God, or as pure awareness, the space of you is unconditioned.  This means that anything and everything is possible as no conditions are set and no programmed responses have been decided or determined.  It also means that anything that interacts with this unconditional space has an opportunity to see, remember and know itself clearly.  For example say that there is a group of 5 sitting in a room and one of those in the group has recognition of the unconditional space that they are and they’re completely rested in that knowingness.  Through the restedness they have in themselves, in what they are, they naturally and effortlessly emit that and it becomes the container of the group or room.  What will then organically occur is that any beings that are present in that group who are more transparent in their form, thoughts, beliefs and perspective will naturally and effortlessly meet that awareness.  To whatever degree one is transparent in self will be the degree to which they can meet that awareness.  Of course that awareness does not stop at the container of the four walls and therefore has opportunity to be picked up by any and all open enough to become coherent with it.

When no conditions are set and no programmed responses have been decided or determined God just simply is and moves.  This is where we recognize that self-organizing principle of life that does itself by itself.  Our heart flies open and moves towards God, merging into that source of what it is through the recognition of itself.  If we are still fused with our thoughts including our worries, concerns, plans for our future and such, than we may try to define it, put it in a box, label it, force it somehow, or figure it out, but when we are beyond the box of our thoughts we simply allow it and recognize it as God and eventually as ourselves.  

To un-condition yourself, which is simply to remember yourself, is the biggest gift and really the only gift any of us have to give.  The giving being inherent and naturally occurring, you couldn’t stop it even if you tried.  Your thoughts, actions, behaviors, and movements are all seamlessly in God as God.  Nothing being out of flow or coherence.  Not acting as the person you, but from the knowingness of what is prior to it all.  

It all boils down to what you desire and where you place your focus.  Do you desire to play in the world of forms, manipulating and achieving, moving from here to there, feeling like you have purpose in a particular way and hoping to find peace and happiness once everything settles into place?  If so you will not have the penetrative power that you need to break through the layers of your own mind.  Do you desire to know yourself, know the truth and know God and is that your one and only sole desire that you seek at the expense of all else realizing there will never be an external settling into place or peace and happiness found in anything you do, achieve or accomplish?  If so you will have the fuel that you need to realize yourself and so it will be.  You then become the gift that you’ve been all along and your radiance touches all.

Dr. Amanda Hessel, Chiropractor, Network Spinal Analysis and Somato-Respiratory Integration, Boulder, Colorado