Innovation of the human being

Innovation of the human being 

Integration of human and spirit

Man with conceptual spiritual body artI’ve always been a little jealous of people who seem to have careers where what they do is logical, linear and certain.  They can explain in concepts and visuals what they do, which makes sense to the minds of others.  Where there is a service or product that performs a specific reproducible function and everyone perceives the direct value in it for them, like being a chef, delivering the mail or selling toilets. 

It seems that the role I incarnated to play has not been those things.  Instead I appear to be in the position to help man/woman realize, become and integrate his/her spiritual nature (mostly unknown to people outside of conceptual thinking) into their known human being existence, through expanding their perception (how they view reality) and thus changing the structure and form that make up everything from the human body to all forms on this planet.  I’ve pursued this through taking on the commonly known profession of chiropractic, which at its original tenants and core intentions has always been about reconnecting man the human to his/her spiritual nature through clearing interference in the nervous system, the nervous system being that which transmits our nonphysical self into this human form so that we might know who and what we really are.  

Unfortunately over the years most of the chiropractic profession has gone for acceptance in the mainstream culture rather than sticking to its roots and so the public has come to know us as “back pain specialists”.  With this most of chiropractic has became devoid of spirit like all other medical professions, and the fundamental aspect that heals once again being left out of the picture.  The human body being seen as a machine with broken parts that need fixing rather than the recognition of the essence of what we are, which is the healer of all, and bringing that more and more into the direct experience for each being. 

There is a universal intelligence and an intelligent energy which is the expression of this intelligence.  Call it spirit, soul, essence, source, truth or whatever you would like.  It is all the same one thing.  It does not care if you believe in it or not.  It is.  It can’t not be.  It is who and what you are beyond the form you identify yourself as, even if you deny its existence.  It is you.  When people first begin to experience this they might notice energy moving throughout their body.  They might notice their body wanting to move on its own  without them volitionally moving their body.  This intelligence is beyond thought, but is inclusive of thought.  However because it is beyond thought the mind solely can not and will not ever be able to figure it out no matter how hard it tries.  In order to contact this intelligence it requires that the human mind develop trust and faith, for without that you will not be able to penetrate the thick and seemingly solid barriers that the mind creates to deny your own existence.   It is also helpful to be in the presence of beings that have already penetrated those mental barriers as they will create a field that will give you greater permission to contact this intelligence and intelligent energy (aka you) if your openness to it and desire for it is strong.  

So how do you fit all of that into a 60 second elevator speech or even a 30 minute conversation?  Now you can see why sometimes I wish I could just say “I sell toilets”.  Ha, but no I decided to become a human being innovator, literally upgrading the human being, how they perceive and function, so that this next level of ourselves can move from unknown to known, from mysterious to undeniable.   

Child Walking in Woods to Glowing Red DoorThe thing about being a human being innovator is that there is not a magical recipe.  Yes there are patterns to things, things that can be observed and seem to be common to most people’s experiences, but its not always cut and dry.  We are not patterns, we are infinite beings of wisdom and love.  In that each being has their own set of experiences in whatever the ways are that they need to experience.  The expressions are infinite and as much as it is a mystery to you it is also a mystery to me until it reveals itself.  I’m not privy to any secretive information.  

Above all else I trust that intelligence which knows and see my role as energizing and activating that as much as I possibly can so that your own wisdom and love can inform and move you.  I do not get to decide what occurs or what reveals itself.  I simply come into agreement with that which knows and have faith in the perfect orchestration of whatever reveals itself in whatever ways it does, even if that means that my mind (or your mind) doesn’t like the experience that you are having.  

Despite my best attempts to map things out and make them linear I feel like I have often failed or come up short.  Trying to put things into boxes that don’t have boxes in order to make them relatable to minds that will never totally get it because they’re not meant too.  I’ve definitely left gaps, missed pointers and all the while have been “figuring it out” myself as its been revealed to me.  What I’ve come to accept, sometimes grudgingly so, is that for those that want certainty, controlled responses or to only feel certain states of being (like only feeling good and never feeling bad) my work is typically not for them.  Not everyone is ready to surrender the control that their mind has over them.  That is not a judgment, its simply a stage of development, and we are ready when we are ready.  It is however, as I see it, the next stage of our human development and why I believe I am incarnated at this time.

So a huge thank you to all of you who come to see me and are bravely walking forward on the path of innovation of the human being.  I love you all.  For truly without you none of this is possible.  Thank you for your help in the transition of this planet, for challenging your beliefs, shifting your perspectives, and being willing to see yourself as more then your mind sees even when that more is not yet fully seeable.  

Dr. Amanda Hessel, Chiropractor, Network Spinal Analysis & Somato-Respiratory Integration, Boulder, Colorado