All Inclusivity


Ending your suffering

It seems as though there is always something inside of our experience that we are trying to get rid of, move past or make different.  A near constant restlessness or unsettledness with what is here now.  It appears that we can’t have the peace and happiness that we desire until said thing or things somehow change.  For most of us, this is our every day reality.  We are immersed within the vibrational state of consciousness of things never being quite enough, quite right or quite as we want them to be.  We strive, we work and we do in order to attempt to feel and experience life in the ways that we want to and yet we never seem to arrive there.  Feelings of frustration, anger, hopelessness and powerlessness arise as we fail at our attempts to make our life experience be as we think it needs to be in order to feel what we want to feel.  We get a little hopeful when something changes in the direction of what we view as better, but soon enough things change again in ways that we view as unfavorable, and we find ourselves in the endless cycle of suffering.  

Logically we know that acceptance ends the cycle, yet our minds don’t want to let go and feel what is or isn’t here that is not preferable or desirable to us.  Acceptance of what is feels like acceptance of failure, and we dislike not winning at the game we are playing.  The mind wants to win.  It wants what it wants, and what it thinks it needs, and it is very hard for it to see anything else.  It is particularly hard for it to see that whatever is showing up inside of our experience of life is exactly what we need.  When our experience is hard, painful or unpleasant our mind’s capacity to stretch and include what is here gets fervently challenged.  We insist that something must be different in order for us to experience what we want, and yet if we stopped our insistence even for just a few moments the light would begin to shine through our mind.  The light of a stream of consciousness that is different than the one we are in.  One that is brighter, more illuminated and more aware and awake.  One that has a wider perspective and is more inclusive than where we currently see from. 

This stream of aware, awake consciousness is not reserved for a just a few special, spiritual people.  It is for all and is all.  It is you, but from an expanded view of yourself.  This stream is always here and always accessible, however sometimes it seems like it’s not because our hold on our limited perspective is so strong.  We want to keep insisting that something we are experiencing should not be included inside of our experience.  Our unwillingness to include, keeps us disconnected and feeling separate and powerless from life, and from this larger view of our selves. 


Ordinary & Higher Mind

While our minds think that they are in charge of everything, they are not.  In actuality our minds are not designed to know what will happen, when it will happen, or how it will all happen, yet this is what we attempt to use our minds to do all day long.  Our minds are simply filters that allow us to operate inside of this reality that we are experiencing.  For a moment I want to differentiate between what we call our ordinary mind and what we call our higher mind.  Our ordinary mind is what we are all most familiar with and what we think of as who we are.  It contains our stories, identities, rules and programs about what we think life supposed to be.  Its focus is self-preservation.  It does not see or know the bigger picture of life and how everything is orchestrated personally, planetarily and galactically, nor is it supposed too.  It’s simply not its job.  

The higher mind is the mind that knows.  It is the aspect of our self that does all of the orchestration of life.  It takes multiple views and perspectives into consideration.  It sees beyond anything that our ordinary mind could conceive. It is the one in charge of everything.  We are often not in conscious connection with this aspect of ourselves, yet we can connect to it in an act of surrender.  When we include everything that is inside of our experience and stop resisting any darn thing, we can experience our higher mind.  When our ordinary mind allows everything that exists to exist, in this act of inclusivity we see and experience what the higher mind knows.  While we might not have full understanding of what we see due to the fact we are operating inside of a limited mental framework, we do get to experience peace.  As it is said this is the peace that passes all understanding.  We don’t need to understand everything, we simply need to include it as existing, as part of our experience, and as something that is relevant for us because it is present for us.

Now you might be thinking that you are pretty easy going and in acceptance of most things that come your way.  While that may very well be true I find there is always deeper levels of inclusivity to include.  Maybe you have some annoying pain in your body that you keep chasing after to get it to go away, rather than including and allowing to be.  Perhaps you get irritated by someone in your life, but you brush it off.  Maybe you simply don’t consider the levels of yourself that exist beyond your ordinary human orientation.   Aspects of yourself that are alive in varying planes of awareness and consciousness.  There is always more to include until you arrive back to the very source of undifferentiated consciousness.  The primordial spark from which all of creation was/is created.  Where there is no experience, no thing, and what is knows itself as itself and never left itself.  

The unique spec of differentiated consciousness that you are playing yourself out to be as a human being, in truth has never left home .  Yet in order for us to experience anything we had to give ourselves the illusion that we could be separate.  This is what we call suffering.  Through inclusivity we find our way back home into the one source that we are.  Where we know that what we truly are organizes every single detail of our lives and we don’t have to worry.  Where we know peace inside of our experience of the illusion of separation.  You can know it’s an illusion and still participate in the game.  This is where the peace you desire, while being focalized as a human being, resides.  

Dr. Amanda Love, Network Spinal Analysis Chiropractic, Boulder, Colorado

The Galactic Human


A matter of perspective

In some way or other we are all evolving.  We are learning, creating, and discovering things about ourselves.  While it may seem that things are the same from day to day, when we zoom out and look at ourselves from the perspective of decades, we can more easily see the fact that we are evolving and that our experience of ourselves is changing.  Even though one week may seem the same to the next week, it is not.  While there are similarities there is not sameness.  Our experience is different, even if miniscule.  Every second is a complete reorganization from the second before, it’s simply that our story about what we are experiencing creates a sense of linearity, which turns into days, week and years.

As we continue to evolve, or said another way, as we become more self-aware and wake up to more of ourselves, where we see from expands.  Our vantage point is wider and becomes more inclusive of what is already here.  You could call this a galactic perspective.  One that is larger and more comprehensive.  The galactic human that sees from a wider viewpoint is not different than the you that you are now in this very moment.  What is different is where you see yourself from.  The human perspective is typically limited to physical objects, to what can be perceived through the physical senses, and some smatterings of emotions and thoughts.  The galactic perspective includes all of those aspects of being a physical human, but it also takes into account more.  Inside its perspective is the world of subtle energy, the simultaneity of everything happening all at once and the interconnected heart.  Vibrational communication, transmission of energy and information through your mind-body rather than identification as the mind-body, and the inclusivity of everything inside of one being, are natural to what it knows.  

Integrating as the galactic human is really a matter of perspective.  How we see ourselves and what the mirrors around us tell us that we are, are key components to living more galactically informed.  If we keep looking out from the same glasses and into the same mirrors, we will keep getting the same information.  However if we have a new set of glasses or different reflections, then we can see ourselves from wider perspectives.  When we see ourselves, or are seen as the galactic human, we instantly become it.  I say instantly because we already are it, it’s simply that now we can see it.  The seeing of it makes it come alive inside of our experience of ourselves.   


Knowing what you are

There can be a tendency to want to escape from here, from where we are now on this planet we call earth.  We have an idea that somewhere, or really anywhere else in the galaxy, is better than here.  It can be challenging to see the magic of being human on this planet at this time with all of the incoherence that exists among and between the people here.  Incoherence is simply a confusion in the system due to a lack of awareness of self.  Confusion is a non-seeing or a mis-seeing or what one is, a not knowing or lack of recognition the nature of ourselves.  We don’t feel, see or know that we are love and therefore we don’t experience anything as magical.  Rather our experience is of dread, discontent, anxiety, depression and the like.  When we don’t clearly see ourselves our experience reflects our very own confusion back to us.  

Our confusion doesn’t ever touch what we are.  The love doesn’t go anywhere.  It is always here simply waiting to be seen or recognized.  When it is seen it feels amazing.  We may have some initial resistance to it in that we may not feel worthy of it, yet deeper down inside we feel the inklings of what can only be described as home.  A remembrance or knowing of ourselves, even if it’s not fully clear or we push it away some.  Something gets touched, activated, and presenced even if only for a moment.  A moment is enough.  It is enough to remember and each remembering builds upon itself.  You can’t unsee what you’ve seen.  While you may attempt to deny or posture around it in order to prove that you aren’t worthy of it, even still you can’t not be worthy of what you are.

The more we see and remember ourselves, the less confusion we experience and we become increasingly coherent.  We literally create a more coherent field in and around us.  This field of coherency allows us to have a different experience of being human.  An experience that appears and feels more magical, more alive and more expansive.  It allows us to experience ourselves galactically, interdimensionally, multidimensionally and communicating with greater and greater aspects of ourselves.  While these things might seem otherworldly, or simply other than you, they are not.  They are you, at and from a wider perspective of yourself.  You don’t communicate with other beings in other worlds, but instead you realize that you are a larger being that is more inclusive of what you currently perceive to be other beings and other worlds.  You bring the magic and aliveness that you project and idealize as living somewhere else in the cosmos and bring it here now inside of your current experience.  

The galactic human simply knows what it is.  It knows that it is love.  It is unmovable in this knowing.  This knowing reawakens the love that already is and brings it into a pulsing, alive, felt experience.  Your heartbeat and the beat of the planet fall into resonance.  Your lived experience becomes harmoniously aligned with the heart of creation and the interconnection of yourself at all levels of your being.  The living galactic human is being breathed through your body as you are now.  It is relaying itself through your mind and informing your actions.  See yourself as what you are, find and receive reflections wherever you can, and more and more your lived experience will reflect that of the galactic human.  

Dr. Amanda Love, Network Spinal Analysis Chiropractor, Boulder, Colorado

Inside of Awareness


Everything exists in you

Everything that exists, exists inside of awareness.  Awareness is the root of existence.  Things, ideas, feelings, sensations, experiences, your body, everyone else’s body, planets, galaxies, stars and all dimensions of reality are all inside of awareness.  There is nothing outside of awareness that exists.  Now you might not be aware of everything that exists inside of awareness, but you can be aware that you are aware, and that whatever you need to be aware of inside of awareness will always be revealed to you as you need to be aware of it.  

Noticing awareness is simple.  It is the fact that you are awake, aware, present, that there is something that is noticing.  The more you notice that something is noticing, the more you rest into pure awareness.  Pure awareness is wakefulness without focus on the content of awareness.  Everything is made out of this awareness, that’s why everything exists inside of it.  There is nothing other than awareness.  There is no non-awareness or non-existence.  By definition non-existence does not exist. Therefore non-existence doesn’t exist.  You can create an experience of something not existing inside of awareness, but that is an experience of non-existing and not non-existence because there is an awareness there experiencing it.  

While this might all seem a bit confusing or complex it really isn’t.  The fact that you are aware is undeniable and it is by the fact that you are aware that you can experience anything and everything that you do.  We often confuse ourselves as the body through which we feel sensations through, yet we are what is aware of the body.  The body is not aware of us.  Therefore the body is inside of awareness and we are aware of the sensations of it.  The body is inside of you, you are not inside of it.  The more you rest into noticing pure awareness, the more you can be aware of, inside of awareness.  When we confuse ourselves as the body we limit what we can feel and sense to it.  This is why it seems that we can’t feel what is happening inside of other people’s bodies or things going on in other parts of the world or the galaxy.  It is also why as we become increasingly self-aware we can feel and sense other people more easily just like we sense ourselves and we can tune into things outside of our immediate environment or even have contact with beings in other dimensions.  This isn’t an experience of overwhelm or of taking things “on” for other people, but rather it is simply a shared experience of ourselves from a larger, more inclusive perspective.   


Creator of experience

You’ve never experience another person.  Yep that’s right.  You’ve only ever experienced your interpretation of them.  Everyone, or every focalized point of awareness inside of the one awareness, is having their own experience of everything and everyone they experience.  And everything and everyone they experience gets experienced through the filters and lens that they have in place inside of the their energetic makeup.  This is why you only ever experience your interpretation of someone or something.  In a way you could say we are all in own little realities that are inclusive of everything and everyone we experience, and while there might be some agreed upon experiences and attributes that seem collective to our experiencing, at the end of the day we are the only one aware inside of our awareness.  We are the only one looking out from the lens we look from.  Therefore we are doing the determining of whatever it is we are experiencing.

This awareness that is doing the “aware-ing” is you.  There is no other you.  You are pure awareness.  As pure awareness you experience yourself in novel ways and create new modes and forms of expression and creation.  These, let’s say outward expressions even though nothing is really out, then come back and inform you at the level of your pure aware self.  This is the process of experience and creation.  You are the creator of this experience and expression of yourself.  This is quite a jump of perspective from thinking of yourself as a person in body on planet Earth.  The person in a body on planet Earth is your current iteration of your experience, but it is not you.   It is your creation.  

As we surrender our personality’s views, perspectives, and meanings about things that we hold so dear, we give up only our experience of limitation.  We rest into our larger self (aka pure awareness), which actually knows what our personality self constantly feels separate from.  Surrender is not a loss of anything except for the perception of loss.  Surrender is a remembering, a coming home, a welcoming, a gaining of insight, wisdom, knowledge and love from which we feel so disconnected from when we are identified as a being a person inside of a body.  Remember your body is inside of you.  You are the awareness that knows the body, not the personality in the body.

Waking up, ascending and enlightenment, is nothing other than the recognition of your self as pure awareness.  It is the conscious living and creating from the recognition of your true self as awareness.  The full recognition of your self as the creator of your experience of your body, your environments and all of things you create.  Rest assured this is not a heavy burden that your personality self has to somehow figure out how to do and create.  Rather you expand beyond your ordinary thinking mind with its limited views and perspectives into what feels more like a field of pure awareness that is pregnant with energy and life.  This vitality is you.  This potentiality is your playground.  You are free inside of your experience with the recognition that you are not your experience, but rather the creator of it.  

Dr. Amanda Love, Network Spinal Analysis Chiropractor, Boulder, Colorado

Stably Rested as Love


The insurmountable task

Love is magic.  Magic is love.  They are the same substance.  Invigorating and giving life to all that is.  To be stable as love is to experience every single moment as magically enchanting and completely full in itself, while revealing the mystery in wonder and awe.  It is being as a child is, innocent, present and purely in love.   How do we retain and remember our innocence, our pure childlike wonder and awe, despite what we experience all around us?  How do we be what we innately are in a world that is fabricated from self-serving and preserving objectives, which sometimes include our own?  To be rested in love, in a world that is not rested in love, is a mighty task.  Sometimes a seemingly insurmountable one.  A near constant attunement to one’s self, and a complete devotion to love is required if we desire to stably rest as love.

So many times you have heard, read, preached, understood and have known what I speak of when I say that all is love.  You know that love is the truth, the way, and all that truly exists when you break everything down to its core constituent.  Yet this knowledge is not enough to make love your stable, day in day out, lived experience no matter what you see, feel, hear or touch.  When we experience something as not love, we label this experience as a challenge or problem.  Every problem, challenge or obstacle you face is simply a teaching tool to break down your barriers to experiencing everything as love.  The problem is not a problem in the way you think it is.  Challenges show you where you are not integrated, not whole, and where you holding things out of love.  As humans we try to fix, avoid or run from problems and challenges, and in attempting to not face them, we postpone the very catalyst that can bring us more fully into the experience of the truth of love.

The easier path is to resign to the conditions that exist.  To match the collective frequency of the forgetfulness of love as the only realness, and to be unstably thrown about by the changing tides of every single thing that arises.  Yes this is actually the easier path, which is why it is so well chosen and why so few experience being stably rested as love no matter what.  While easier is easier, and takes less energy, no change in experience occurs.  You continue to feel powerlessly defeated by the collective frequency of this planetary experience from which it feels there is no escape but death.  To experience the stability of love you must move towards the problems and challenges, so that you can transmute and alchemize them back into their original essence, that of course, being love.   


Only more love

Underneath the covers, the masks, the facades, the fears and all of fronts, and in all the dark corners and closets, you will only ever find love.  The only question is will you have the courage to look, to take off the masks and face the fear that whatever is underneath them is not love?  Will you stop pretending that something besides love exists?  That there is some other force in the universe that is not benevolent, isn’t working for you or doesn’t have your back.  The moment you stop pretending or insisting that there is some such other force than love is the very same moment that you will stop experiencing it.  What will remain is the only true power in all of creation, which is love.  

It is not by knowledge that you will come into the lived experience of being stably rested as love, but rather through the direct application of using every problem and challenge that is delivered to you.  Rather than collapsing in fear, shutting down or reacting in resistance, open to whatever is being presented.  Again this is not easy.  Opening into what we are scared of takes deliberate focus and 100% devotion to love.  It means being willing to feel the fear.   Without this you will not penetrate your fears, but rather they will penetrate you.  While opening may feel vulnerable, it will put you in a position of power because you are no longer running.  You are present and available to what is here.  This is a state of resourcefulness even if you have no idea what is going to happen, if you are going to be ok, or how it will all work out.  

To experience everything, the entirety of existence, like the innocent child, full or wonder and awe, perceiving magic around every corner, is the natural state.  Everything else is made up stuff that we’ve pasted on top of the essence of creation.  Our delusions feel very real.  Solid like concrete.  Factual.  Impenetrable.  Yet magic shifts and changes in the blink of an eye.  It is mutable, constantly reforming itself over and over and over again.  Its only solidity is its ever changing mutability.  It is not impossible to live as a child experiences.  It does not mean that you become a child, but only that you see as one, in remembrance and connection with your true essence.  

To the best of your ability alchemize your problems and challenges, and you will come to live rested as love.  It is a process of refinement, of purification, back into the natural state.  You do not have to resonant or succumb to the collective frequency.  You contain all of the power of the one when you are rested as love.  Challenge the collective to rise to you rather than you drop to it.  You can do this.  Accept the work that comes along with it.  Open to your fears.  Keep moving towards and you will accelerate, increasing your vibration to match closer and closer to that of the pure essence of love.  If you do, you will have returned to what you knew when you were a child and the magic of love will be your new waking dream.  All you will see and experience will be love.

Dr. Amanda Love, Network Spinal Analysis Chiropractor, Boulder, Colorado

Completion of the Moment


Experiencing presence

Every moment, including this very one, is already complete.  Whole onto itself without anything at all lacking or missing.  The recognition of the wholeness of this moment, and every moment, is the experience of presence.  To be present is to be in the fullness of whatever is here.  When we are not experiencing this fullness it is because our mind has created a story about something not being here.  We have pasted a story of lack on top of wholeness.  Subsequently we then experience our story of lack rather than what actually is.  If we only came from completion we would only ever experience presence, but because we come from lack, we experience trying to get to completion from the state of feeling that something is missing.  

Trying to get to completion is a common experience for most.  We all have our to do lists, goals, and all the activities of life.  Often we go about our day doing all of things, hoping it all goes smoothly and we can get it all done.  We move from one thing to the next, checking our list off as we go.  We feel closer and closer to a sense of completion so that we can rest, and then do it all over again tomorrow.  The thing is though that activities will never seize as so long as you are human.  While managing and prioritizing your activities is important, what is even more valuable is where you come from as you do the stuff of life.  If you come from needing to alter, or be finished with an experience, so that you can feel whatever you desire to feel (ie. rested, happy, relaxed, not stressed, etc.), you will be in a constant chase.  You never arrive where you desire.  Maybe you have moments of still and peace, but then something moves again and you’ve lost it.  

As soon as you stop trying to get somewhere, or have something else happen than what is happening, you instantly arrive.  You arrive where you are attempting to get to through all of your incessant doing.  What we often don’t recognize is that we can begin with completion rather than get to it.  This doesn’t mean that you will stop doing stuff, you won’t.  You will continue to do stuff until the day you die.  Instead it means that you get to experience the abundant fullness of what is happening now, rather than rushing past it while you get it over and done with.  We desire to feel the fullness even if we don’t know that’s what we want.  The fullness is always here.  To experience it we need only stop trying to be finished with it already.   


All is healed

All of your misery would stop if you simply recognized the absolute, complete fullness that is here now.  When we see fullness there is nothing for us to complain or worry about.  Seeing fullness also means that we are full, complete and already whole.  Wholeness equals healed.  When we no longer see ourselves or the world as not whole, all is instantly healed because what is, is seen as its true self.  What is returns to itself, from which it never left.  This self, and global healing, is in our hands, because it is all a matter of how we see.  How we see, so it is.  What we perceive, we will experience.  

Some may fear that if they entertain that completion is the way it is, then they won’t have meaning or purpose.  If everything is already perfect you might wonder what is there to do.  You are right in that there really isn’t anything to do to create completion, however you still are a creator.  You will still create.  Energy and information will still move through the vehicles or your body and mind, and you will have desires that steer your actions.  Those desires could be as basic as wanting to take a shower, eat some food, or call a friend.  They could also be more involved such as creating a social change movement, building a business or writing a book.  The only difference, which makes all the difference, is that you won’t be attempting to get somewhere, but rather will enjoy each and every moment of the creation process.  Which said another way is that you will enjoy each and every moment of life.  Life is creation.  Creation is life.

Rather than effort and striving, there is activity and flow.  You can still have big visions for this planetary experience while coming from completion.  In fact, if you do come from completion, it is 100% more likely that you will experience the big visions that you have.  We don’t get to our creations, alternatively we create where we come from and then experience that.  There are still steps of walking towards the ideas and desires, but the ideas and desires are not the goal.  The goal is simply to experience the fullness of this moment, while walking and understanding that you will never get anywhere.  

Suspending your stories about what this moment does or doesn’t contain, and complete surrender to what is here, drops you into the only destination there is.  Suffering ceases as you stop deluding yourself with your stories about what is not here and open into everything you desire, which is here now.  The journey is and always has been to arrive now.  Now is endless, eternal and infinite.  So are your creations and what it is you can experience.  Fullness is just a perspective away.  It doesn’t take much except you reorienting yourself to it.  The energy and aliveness that comes with fullness is magic itself.  There is a revealing of the mystery moment by moment.  You are there for the ride of it all.  While it may not feel like you choose/choice your perspectives, I assure you that you do.  There is no one else inside of your head, but you, to do the choosing.  Recognize where and when you choose lack and no matter how convicted you are in the lack you perceive, somehow, someway, deliberately find yourself back into completion.  

Dr. Amanda Love, Network Spinal Analysis Chiropractor, Boulder, Colorado

Unconditional Love


Nothing is not love, nothing

Love by nature is unconditional.  It has no boundaries, rules, exclusions, or limitations.  It is free, full and all encompassing.  It is the most abundant resource in the universe and contains all of the protection that one would ever need.  Yet this pristine, overflowing, all knowing and embracing love is often not our first choice.  While we might think or say that we desire to be loving and come from love in all things, we have edges and limits to our willingness to include all inside of love.  We make our love “conditional”, which is impossible to do because by definition love is unconditional.  What conditionality really means “I am choosing to love this, but not that” or “I am including this, but not that.”  Unconditional love doesn’t mean that you can’t have preferences or use discernment, rather it simply means that regardless of whatever your preference or discernment is, love is still the fact of whatever you are experiencing.  

Whatever we choose to not see as love, we will experience as not love.  Take an example of something in your life that you have resistance to, or charge with, and ask yourself “how is this love too?” This will take you down the path of inquiry into the nature of things, into what things are really made of.  No matter how twisted, distorted, or skewed something may appear, if you inquire into the nature of it, you will find love there.  The key is that you have to look.  If you don’t look for it, you won’t find it.  Instead you will just keep seeing what your mind tells you that you see, which is something that is messed up or that you don’t prefer.  

All this said, unconditional love does not excuse or permission unconscious behaviors, rather it loves them, it sees them as what they are, which allows the being of those behaviors to see themselves.  To awaken from the slumber and find ways of expressing the love that they are through actions and behaviors that more clearly represent who they are.  The reason why we often don’t evolve in the ways that we express the love that we are, is because rather than including all inside of love, we cast things out.  Things inside of ourselves that we don’t like and things inside of others that we “can’t” accept.  When we cast things out inside of our awareness, there is no hope for them.  They are on their own, separate and disconnected.  While our outcasting often feels justified and gives us a sense of power over something, it does little to help us or others heal. 


All exclusive love

You may want to take an honest inventory of what you don’t include as love.  What things do you leave out?  What is unacceptable to you?  What it is that you simply refuse to see as love?  There may be more there than you think.  You may feel defeat to include things that you don’t want to include or accept.  It often feels like loss of power from the perspective of our ego mind.  It’s as if we are losing our upper edge in the situation.  Our rightness takes a hit.  We really want to keep certain things out of love because we dislike them, or feel they hurt us, or we disagree with them.  While we think this is helping us somehow, really all it’s doing is allowing us to feel a false sense of power.

True power comes from inclusion, not exclusion.  Everything that exists must somehow be included by the very fact that it exists.  Just because we do our best to not include something inside of love, inside of all that is, doesn’t mean that we can actually make it “not included”.  We can’t really cast anything out.  We can only give ourselves the experience of not including something inside of love, which is the experience of suffering even if we feel some sense of temporary power in doing so.  It’s suffering because it like operating without a part of our body.  It feels limiting and restrictive.  This is why so often we experience feeling limitation and restriction.  It’s not that we actually are limited or restricted, rather, through giving ourselves the experience of non-inclusion of certain aspects of creation, we create the feeling of limitation and restriction.  We handicap ourselves.

The recognition that you hold things out of love is painful.  When you really see how you do it, it will break your heart, because it’s simply unnatural to do so.  Healing happens the moment we let go of our rightness about something and include it back into our heart.  It doesn’t mean that we have to like the thing, eat dinner with it, or take it on a date.  It just means that our charge is gone and we are no longer pushing anything away.  We let it be and see it for what is inside of our heart.  This is true power.

Opening your heart to include everything does not put you at risk or make you vulnerable, rather it puts you in the position of ultimate protection.  All the protection we would ever need lives in love.  Love penetrates everything.  Coming from love reveals the truth of what is to itself.  Even if something has been blind to love, it can in a split second, remember and see itself.  But it needs the reflection of its nature shown to it in order to remember.  Every time you choose to come from love you offer that reflection to another aspect of the universe.  This is how collective healing happens.  It starts and ends in your willingness to embrace and include all that is inside of what it is, that being unconditional love.  

Dr. Amanda Love, Network Spinal Analysis, Chiropractor, Boulder, CO

Remembering Your Future


Conviction in what has already been

What if you knew that you were capable of achieving whatever it is that you desire, even if from where you stand now it feels confusing, scary or overwhelming?  If somehow you saw the path of your future self, the one that already accomplished whatever it is you are currently wanting to do?  Imagine the sense of confidence you would feel in the knowing that you already did whatever it is you are working towards now.  That you already somehow, someway did it, and now you know it can and has been done by you.  Perhaps you don’t know all the details, but you’ve glimpsed that it’s possible, and beyond possible, that you literally have already found the way, already walked the steps, figured all the things out, that you now know.  Just like you know what you did yesterday, last week and last year, you also somehow know what you did tomorrow, next week and next year.

Perhaps this seems far stretched for some of you.  After all it appears that time goes in one linear direction and that you can only know what has happened in the past.  You may wonder how you could possibly know what happens in the future from where you stand now, but what if you can?  What if you can remember your future just like you remember your past?  You may argue that the future hasn’t happened yet, so how could you know it, but how do you know for certain that the future hasn’t happened yet?  How do you know for certain that everything isn’t happening all at once, but that your awareness is simply tuning into this particular location, which you call your current present moment?  Just because you’ve been experiencing life in a certain way doesn’t mean that it’s only that way.  

The conviction that we have of our past experiences is strong.  For example say that you went to the grocery store yesterday to get groceries.  If I asked you right now if you went to the grocery store yesterday you would be 100% convicted that you did.  It would likely be impossible for me to tell you differently.  You simply wouldn’t believe me, because you have 100% knowing that you did.  You can see the groceries in your refrigerator as proof.  You could say you are fully confident in what you did yesterday.  What if you could use that same skill, but for the future.  If you were 100% convicted today in what you did tomorrow.  If you already knew what you did in the future it would be impossible for me or anyone else to tell you differently, including your own self.  You would have zero doubt in what’s possible, what you are capable of, and what’s been achieved.  


Information from your future self

While remembering your future equally to remembering your past might not yet seem possible to you, recognize it’s only because you have a belief that life doesn’t work this way.  You have a belief that life goes in just one linear direction and your belief gets reinforced by you then experiencing life in one linear like fashion.  Entertaining the possibility that perhaps life is happening in all directions might seem like sci-fi.  Yet the conviction we feel by the certainty of our experience is a potent determiner of our experience.  Getting this and opening into the possibility that perhaps you can experience life in a different order than you’ve been experiencing it up this point, will clearly provide you with an unshakeable certainty of what is.  This unshakeable certainty will/does manifest as your reality, because what we experience as reality is simply what we are certain about.  

Take anything that you desire to experience or hope for in the future, and put it in the forefront of your mind.  Perhaps it’s financial abundance, a contribution to others, a beach house, a relationship, a healthy body or really anything else that you desire.  Rather than somehow trying to create or manifest this vision, simply tune into how you’ve already gotten there.  Even if you don’t yet know all the details, simply allow yourself to see how you’ve already done it.  Just like you see what you did yesterday, see what you did tomorrow.  Also see how you’ve previously accomplished things that you once felt like you didn’t know how, but that you did accomplish them somehow.  See that you did and can.  See that you know the path even if the details aren’t fully clear.  This isn’t make believe although it might feel like you are making it up at first.  Recognize that you have already done this thing that you desire to do or experience.  Somehow, someway you’ve already accomplished this.  Feel how good it feels to arrive and also how good it feels to know that you already know how to arrive.  

What we know, we experience.  What we feel uncertain about we hope and pray will work out, which never feels good because our locus of power is outside of us.  Knowing is self-generated.  It doesn’t come from your experience, it comes from you and then it penetrates your experience.  You can simply just decide to have conviction in whatever it is you want.  You don’t need to wait for some special knowledge or experience first, unless you want to.  When you come from your future self that has already achieved what you desire to now, there is no special thing you will tell yourself per say.  Rather it’s simply the knowingness of, “well of course that’s how it is.” 

Let your future self be the vibrational blueprint of completion for you.  When you do there will be nothing stopping you, because the only thing that ever stops us are our doubts.  When you simply know, you take actions inside of that knowing, which you know will lead to what you already know has been accomplished.  In this way you can just relax and enjoy the ride.  Your conviction is what is steering the ship, the completion has already been taken care of.  Life is the experience of the details in between the two now moments.  You get to experience those details in whatever way you would like, but when you come from conviction it is often a more joyful experience.  As always the choice is yours.

Dr. Amanda Love, Network Spinal Chiropractic, Boulder, Colorado

Master of Limitation


Human experiencing

Having a human experience often feels like one hard thing after the next.  Roadblocks, challenges, and hoops to jump through every single day.  Wanting things to work out, manifest and be as we desire them to be often feels like one failure and miss after another.  All of the little annoying arising we must deal with when we would much rather just feel flow and ease.  We get tastes of flow and ease, but then, just like that, it seems to disappear and we find ourselves trodding uphill, against the current of life and fighting against what we don’t want, so that we can hopefully get to what we do.  Why isn’t it easier?  If we are all powerful creators like all of the spiritual teachers tell us we are, then why can’t we have what we desire in each moment?  These are great questions, for which I don’t have any grand answers, except that, this is the way it is.  It’s as if we are here to learn how to navigate in an environment of extreme challenge and limitation.

The experience of limitation of capabilities, capacities, power, resources, opportunities and overall self, can really dim the joy we experience.  It takes whatever light is inside of us, and like a dimmer switch, gets lower and lower, until we can’t see anymore and all we experience is darkness, confusion, and powerlessness.  We don’t know who we are, what we are or why we are.  We just feel disconnected.  This is suffering.  This is, for the most part, the human experience.  The fact that we can find levity, joy and some sense of purpose, is nothing short of a miracle considering it all.  In suffering it’s hard to be grateful and nearly impossible to feel connected.  I’m not sure why it’s necessary that we experience this, only that somehow it’s relevant because we are experiencing it.  

I could hypothesis that perhaps it’s simply to learn how to be a master of limitation.  Not necessarily to overcome it and no longer experience it, though that is all well and fine if you do, but to develop ourselves in such a way that no matter what handicaps we have given ourselves or that have been given to us, we can learn how to adapt and use whatever it is that we have available to us in whatever ways that we can.  We may want it all to be a bit more magical than that, especially if we’ve experienced states of being where we were less bound by limitations.  Yet perhaps it’s about allowing ourselves to have this human experience of limitation, exploring what we will inside of it, and being a master of limitation, rather than trying to somehow get beyond it all so that we don’t experience it anymore.     


Mastering being human

When we allow ourselves to have the experience of limitation, challenge, obstacle, inconvenience and the like, we embrace our experience rather than fight it.  This embracing of the experience doesn’t necessarily change the outer experience, but it does change our inner one.  We may still not like what is happening, it may not be our preference or desire, but it no longer has us completely hooked.  We are less triggered and therefore inherently less bound and more spacious inside of the experience of whatever the limitation is.  Well this might not equal the experience we want to be experiencing, it will end our resistance to what is and we will feel more accepting and empowered just by that shift.  

While it might not feel like you choose this human experience and everything that comes with it, somehow here you are.  You’ve arrived here, chosen or not, and the only thing you can do is make the best out of it.  It’s kind of like arriving to a party that you find to be less exciting than you originally thought it would be.  You find it rude to exit the party early, so you can either drag yourself through the party until it ends or you can find some way to make it kind of interesting for yourself.  That is where your choice comes in.  You may not always get to choose the environment of the party and all of the people at it, but you do get to choose how you want to experience it.  As I see it this is true self-empowerment.  

We often get confused by all the messages we hear about how to manifest our reality and make it what we want it to be.  We think this means that we should have all the things we desire to have, and when we don’t have them we somehow think we are failing, and then feel even more frustrated by our lack in making our situations different than they are.  Being the creator of your reality is not about controlling all of the circumstances, situations and happenings of your life to match your preference.  It about shifting your inner state of being to match the state of being you prefer to be in no matter what is happening with the situations and experiences of your life.  It is easy to be in our preferred state of being when everything looks and feels like we want it too.  It is quite a challenge to do so when life doesn’t.  This is how we become a master of limitation.  

No matter what limitation, obstacle, or the grim appearance of our life shows to us, in order to become a master of limitation you must only look out and see what you prefer to see, rather than what your mind tells you is there.  Some people might call this delusion, I prefer to call it sanity.  It might just be the only true way to change the world.  As we see so it is.  Without this skill, and eventual mastery, you are subjected to what your mind tells you that you are experiencing rather than innerly experiencing what you desire to experience.  When you take your cue from the grim appearance of life, rather than from yourself and what you desire to see, you are left feeling absolute powerlessness, from which no change can occur.  To master limitation you must accept what you see, and rather than try to change the appearance of it, change that which is doing the looking, which is you. 

Dr. Amanda Love, Network Spinal Chiropractor, Boulder, Colorado

You Don’t Need to Do More


Be as you are

Nearly all of us have bought into the story that we need to do more and more and more.  It’s as though we could give everything we’ve got to give and somehow we still come up short in what we think we need to give.  The doing, and the thoughts of all the doing, are exhausting.  We then wonder why we are so tired and depleted, and yet we keep attempting to give more than we’ve got to give.  What happens when we run out of fuel, but we keep giving anyways?  Breakdown.  Breakdown of our body, our mind and our lives.  We see the breakdown and still we don’t stop trying to give more than we’ve got to give.  

Where does this insatiable need to do more come from?  It comes from a deep seated belief that we are not enough.  We think that if we can somehow give or do more, then we can bridge the gap between our not enoughness and what we think we need to give in order for it to be enough.  It’s as if all of our doing can somehow compensate for our sense of not being enough in/as our natural state of being.  As an extension of this, our sense of not enoughness often shows up as a feeling of lack in abundance of resources.  We give or do more, more, more so that we don’t feel this lack of enoughness.  We fear that if we don’t over-give or over-do then we won’t have what we need or we won’t be taken care of.  So we are like slaves to our avoidance of feeling the not enoughness that we fear we are.  

It’s an edge for many of us to simply be rested as ourselves without feeling the inner obligation, necessity, or burden to do or give more than is natural for us to give or do.  We hope that our doing will make us feel like we are enough.  We try to get to enough through our giving rather than simply being enough.  It’s a losing game, because we can never feel or experience what we don’t first become.  We must become enough before we will experience the feelings of enoughness.  Nothing we do can will ever sustainably get us to feeling complete.  We are attempting to do it backwards.  We somehow think that we have to prove, attain or show our worthiness in order to experience it.  Yet the recognition or realization of our enoughness, in our already state of being as we are, is the answer to the end of feeling not enough.  When we see ourselves and what we have to naturally give as enough in its expression, then so it is.  This doesn’t always mean that the people or things in our life will always get what they want from us, but it does mean that you will be alignment with yourself as you are.   


Abundant in abundance

A world of absolute and complete enoughness.  Can you even imagine what that would feel or be like?  Imagination is exactly what we need.  Imagination that is rooted in knowing that it is already so.  In this way our imaginations can create the playing field of experience to match what we are already convicted in to be true.  This is the way it works.  It’s already working this way.  It’s simply that what we are currently convicted in is lack of enoughness of self, and the projection of that is the experience of lack in this world.  One might say that we are abundant in lack.  There is no real lack, but only the perception of it.  That is true for how we view ourselves and the world.  We can see ourselves as not enough, but we can never actually be not enough.  This is not to say that other flavors, resources or beings might not be needed in certain situations in life, but just because something more or else is needed has nothing to do with our inherent enoughness.  

We don’t need to be everything, we just need to be ourselves.  Being ourselves is enough even if more is needed.  We don’t have be the more.  This is why there are billions of beings on this planet.  Each being has the responsibility to be itself, nothing more and nothing less.  Neither is even possible.  You can always and only be what you are.  You can try to be more, but this where burnout and breakdown occurs.  Give over trying to be it all in order to be enough, and let in all of the other beings in this life to support whatever is needed in each and every moment.  We are not designed to do it all or be it all rather we are designed to be who we are, just as we are.  

It takes courage to not take it all on as yours.  Courage to trust that you being you is enough.  That you can love yourself just as you are and you don’t have to first be more.  Give what you want to give.  Do what you want to do.  Let whatever your giving and doing is be enough.  It is.  Just because you think that other people, or the situations of your life, want or need more of you than you have capacity to give or be, it’s ok to let it be or let them want.  It’s ok if they are disappointed or upset and/or if you are disappointed in yourself.  Come back to knowing that you are enough in your current state of giving, being and doing.  Get more and more convicted in the knowing of your enoughness.  The paradox is that the less you attempt to be more than you are, the more of you that you’ll have to give.  

Knowing you are enough is the same as loving yourself.  Honor who you are.  Stop wishing you could somehow be different or more.  That’s unkind, and if you value kindness then start with yourself.  You will naturally grow, expand and develop as a being, but none of that growth makes you more than you already are in this moment.  You are complete and enough right now in exactly whatever it is you give and do.  More giving or doing doesn’t make you more. Recognize your enoughness now and you will experience a world of enough.  A world that is abundant in abundance rather than abundant in lack.  It all starts and ends in how you view it.  How you see, so it is.  

Dr. Amanda Love, Network Spinal Analysis Chiropractor, Boulder, Colorado

Opening Into Your Multidimensional Self


Parallel realities, telepathy & nonlinear travel

Multidimensionality seems to be a popular metaphysical term, but what exactly does it mean and how do you access your multidimensionality?  Simply put multidimensional means more than one dimension.  We already know that we are living inside of four dimensions.  Three of those dimensions are spacial, height, width and depth, and the fourth dimension is that of time.  These dimensions are familiar to us even if we don’t put consciousness awareness on them outside of when we are measuring something we want to buy to see if it’s the right fit or we looking at our watch to check the time.  It’s simply the environment we live within based on what our consciousness perceives to be reality.  What if, however, there are more dimensions than the four we know of, and how do we bring them into conscious awareness?

When multidimensionality is spoken of inside of spiritual containers it often comes with ideas of fractals, geometric wormholes, past and future lives, parallel realities, greater sensory capacities, communication with other galactic beings, telepathy and travel beyond the confines of linear time.  For some people these ideas are incredibly exciting topics and yet they seem impossible to practically experience, and for others they just seem like sci-fi or fantasy.  How do we bridge the impossibility gap and experience what seems like fantasy as reality?  Certainly it’s obvious that there is more in existence than we can sense with our currently sensory capabilities.  The expanse of this ginormous, infinite universe is evidence enough of that fact. Yet it often feels like a mystery to us on how to access more than what we sense with our senses.  

There is one definitional distinction to make before proceeding, that is of the difference between dimensions and densities.  Densities are vibrational frequencies that exist inside of a dimensional or multidimensional awareness.  You can think of the analogy of a beam of light containing different colors, these are like the densities.  There are eight basic vibrational states of consciousness (i.e. densities) that make up an octave within creation.  There are infinite octaves of densities and likely infinite dimensions as well.  Collectively human consciousness vibrates at what is considered 3rd density and is moving into 4th density.   When we move from 3rd to 4th density we will still have physical form and we still operate within 4 dimensions, but moving into 5th density vibrational awareness moves us into 5 dimensions.  A 5th density vibrational awareness with 5 dimensional reality is a nonphysical existence.  You are still a being, but a being without physicality.  All of that said, you can access these different levels of consciousness and dimensions inside of your current human existence in order to inform your current self, but you can’t reside inside of these different higher levels without shifting from a physical to nonphysical existence.   


Matching vibrational states

Understanding where we are now in our current state of consciousness inside of density and dimensional frequency gives our mind a contextual reference point or map of possibility.  An awareness that there is more beyond our current knowing even though we don’t know it yet from our point of view.  Just like you’ve learned many, many things from the time you were born to now, you will continue to learn more things as you are exposed to them.  When you were a baby it likely seemed impossible to run, skip or jump, yet because you had inner motivation and drive you learned how.  Same is true for learning the next, and next, level of things that currently seem impossible to you.  Things such as jumping parallel realities, telepathy, and connecting with information from your past and future selves and other beings throughout the universe.  

When we, in our individual consciousness, match the vibrational frequency of that which we want to know or access, then we instantly vibrate in sync with it and can know whatever information or energy that exists there.  A match in frequency makes possible the natural exchange of information.  This begs the question as to how you become a vibrational frequency match for everything that you want to experience and know.  You have probably heard people say a million times in spiritual circles to “raise your vibration”.  This is often associated with seeing people jump up and down, move their body all around and always being “positive” in order to generate more energy in their bodies.  You can experience things like this at a Tony Robbins program and other motivational, self-help groups.  This can be a helpful entry point, yet often the “high vibrational state” fizzles out a few days after the program ends because it’s not self-generated.  It’s more like riding a high.  We call this a temporary state change.  It’s great for seeing that there is more, yet if it’s not sustained then you go back to your ordinary resting vibrational state.  

In order to match the vibrational frequency of what you want to experience you must become it.  Know that there is a version of you somewhere in the universe that already knows how to access everything you want to access.  When you imagine that version of you that already knows how, notice how they feel, think, behave and what they know.  Then match that frequency.  Let that version of what you are imagining be a template or a mirror for the current vibrational version of yourself that is here now.  In this way you will learn to match that frequency and have access to what is known at that density and dimensional frequency of existence.  You already know how to do this.  It is how you currently learn.  We learn through mirroring and matching others in our physical reality.  If you’ve ever spent time around a toddler you know this to be true.  They mirror everything we do or say.  That is how they learn the vibrational frequency of consciousness here on this planet.  You can also do this nonphysically as well, you simply have to believe that you can.  Clear out your impossibility beliefs that say you can’t and know you can.  Once you know you can then it will be old hat to you.  Remember you once didn’t know anything about this current state of consciousness you are in now, you learned it all, and you can learn whatever your big old heart desires. 

Dr. Amanda Love, Chiropractor, Network Spinal Analysis & Somato-Respiratory Integration, Boulder, Colorado