Physical & energetic spaces

Ever notice how light you feel when you give things away?  A good example of this is when you empty your closet or your garage out of stuff you no longer use or want.  Suddenly you feel more clear and light.  There is a spaciousness present that wasn’t there before.  You feel freed up.  This freedom comes with a levity and clarity that most seek to experience in every day life.  Yet we spend most of our time cluttered up with things filling our space, many of which we don’t even know are there until we take the time to really look or springtime comes and we decide to do a clean up.

Most would agree that the clearing of our space is an important component of our overall well-being, however the tolerance we have for that which is no longer needed or wanted is often high.  We allow things to pile up before getting to the point where we will access their continued usefulness to us and take the actions necessary to get rid of them.  We have clothes in our closet we haven’t worn for years, thousands of meaningless pictures on our phone we’ve never looked at more than once, music and movies downloaded that we never listen to or watch, food in our cabinets that we will probably never eat, and boxes in our basement filled with stuff we never intend to use again.  All of this stuff lays around, filling our space, and we wonder why we feel tired, heavy and bogged down.  

The physical is of course just one element of this.  We also have ideas, partially implemented projects, and tons of emotional and mental content filling our subtle and energetic spaces.  We need our etheric vacuums to also declutter the thoughts that don’t serve, the emotions that lay around looping themselves over and over, and the clearing out of ideas and projects that we will never do.  Just imagine how free you would feel once you clear all of it out, what you might be available for, and how you might better be able to channel your energy and focus into what really matters to you.  To create a pristine outer and inner space that is filled only with what you desire to have inside of it.  Anything that doesn’t reflect joy or peace when you see or experience it has to go.  This requires a fairly constant attunement of noticing when its time to let things go.  The first clear out is often the largest, but the process is ongoing, a day to day noticing of what is in your physical and subtle spaces that doesn’t serve a good function that supports your mission and vision for being alive.   


Freedom of Loss

This same spaciousness we feel when we clear things out of our life that we no longer want is also experienced when something that we don’t want to leave our experience does.  We often relate to the spaciousness of unchosen loss as a feeling of emptiness rather than freedom, yet the only difference is in how we are relating to our experience.  Anyone who has experienced unwanted loss on any scale knows the clarity that comes through it.  When we experience this type of loss we no longer tolerate things that don’t matter to us.  It’s an instant clear out and clean up.  We stop pretending on all levels because we don’t have the energy to pretend anymore.  We become incredibly available to the present moment.  In this way there is freedom because we are not bogged down by stories and things of the future and such.  We are just here.  For many their intuition rises and they are more connected to the spiritual aspect of themselves even though they may be feeling sadness, rage and all sorts of other things. 

Life is constantly cycling through death and rebirth, comings and goings.  Goings create spaciousness where there was stuff before.  New birth wants to then fill the space.  This is the mechanics of the universe.  Goings can either be desired and chosen and we call that letting go, giving away or moving on.  Goings can also be undesired or unchosen and we call that all sorts of things depending on where we are in process of it.  However the resolution of chosen or unchosen deaths or goings brings us to the same spaciousness.  The same unbound freedom.  Our nature is the freedom before the form.  After the death and before the birth is where our essence is found.  We are creators, creating birth and death, comings and goings, and creating chosen and unchosen.   We are before it all. 

Whether our clearing out is deliberately chosen by us, or is chosen for us through others, we receive a unique opportunity to see ourselves and come into greater recognition of what is and is not important for our life plan.  The spaciousness of self draws to us that which is in alignment for us now that was perhaps laying underneath a pile of stuff or entangled inside relationships.  Remember everything arrives in perfect time and perfect rhythm.  Comings and goings are precisely orchestrated. Nothing can happen too soon or too late.  The deaths and rebirths will continue infinitely.  You will experience deaths and births billions of times on subtle and non-subtle scales and dimensions.  You are not that which is born or dies.  You are that which gives birth and death.  You are the potentiated, unbound freedom that lies before manifestation.  In silence, in spaciousness, recognize yourself.  Remember what you are.  Clear out of your life what you can clear out in order to create the space to better know yourself.  Clarity ensues.  Availability to now becomes.  Ever present eternal is-ness playing and creating through love and magic.  

Dr. Amanda Love, Chiropractor, Network Spinal Analysis & Somato-Respiratory Integration, Boulder, Colorado