Feeling From the Heart


The range of human emotion

There are a wide range of emotions that are available for us to feel as human beings.  Emotions or feelings are simply energy with a charge.  When we feel emotions, the energy of them shifts or the charge dissipates.  When this dissipation happens we often feel more acceptance, more peaceful and soon afterwards we get greater clarity.  What we couldn’t see before we can now see.  The charge was blocking our view, but once the charge moves the view becomes much more clear inside of our minds.  The thing is that most people have resistance to feeling their emotions.  This is because there are many stories about what feeling emotion means to who we are as human beings.  For some people feeling emotion is a sign of weakness, for others emotions feel too scary, intense and like something that will never end, and still others have simply learned to ignore their emotions so they don’t recognize them even when they are present. 

The purpose of emotions is to help us see ourselves.  Emotions tell us how we feel about something, they tell us what works for us and what doesn’t work for us, and they give us insight into what we believe about ourselves, life or the world.  If we feel our emotions and investigate the stories behind them, then we are using emotions for their intended purpose and we can become more self-aware and self-responsible human beings.  Often when we think we are feeling emotions what we are actually doing is regurgitating our story about them, and not fully dropping into the feeling.  Our thoughts seem safer than the out of control-ness we experience when we allow emotions to move through us.  Those few moments of feeling out of control are necessary for the emotion to dissipate its charge and to unwind the architecture we have created in attempts to not feel.  

Being out of control only means that you finally stop your story and all of your thoughts that are connected to that story.  It doesn’t mean that you go crazy or do harmful and unconscious things to yourself or others.  It is the exact opposite of that.  You become more conscious through the process of temporarily allowing the suspension of your mind to control your experience.  This is the moment where healing happens and where the heart opens.  If your feeling emotions, but you aren’t feeling your heart open more through whatever it is that you are feeling, then you are stuck in the story of your emotions rather than feeling them.   


Reconnected, Reclaimed & Resolved

Opening into the heart is the same as opening into ourselves.  There is an honesty, realness, or a feeling of being more dropped in and rested in our being.  The armoring lifts and we can breathe more fully again.  It’s like layers come off that we didn’t even know we had on.  We feel light and clear even if we don’t know what we know yet.  Somehow things are just different even though it doesn’t seem like anything has happened.  We feel available to life and to ourselves.  We can listen.  We are seen.  We are no longer fighting inside.  We are reconnected to ourselves. 

One of the unconscious reasons why we resist feeling is because we think we will feel something bad about ourselves or another.  We avoid this at all cost, and I mean all costs.  We would rather give ourselves back pain, headaches, digestive problems, cancer or heart disease than feel that there is something inherently bad about ourselves or another person.  Particularly another person that we love or don’t want to hurt.  By not feeling, we hold, we constrict, and we postpone taking actions that need to be taken, saying things that need to be said and living in ways that are aligned with ourselves.  Speaking up and taking actions can feel scary to us because they bring instability into the picture.  Instability meaning that “I don’t know what is going to happen here if I do or say this thing that I need to.”  We fear loss of connection, love or safety, so rather than being honest and feeling, we choose dishonesty and living unaligned.  We stay stuck in our story about our emotions without ever feeling them.  

What we often don’t realize is that even if we fear loss of connection by feeling whatever it is we are feeling, the paradox is that feeling the thing is what brings us into the connection that we actually desire.  This is so contradictory to how we think it works, but after we experience this a few times we can quickly learn that this is indeed the way it is.  That doesn’t mean that it gets easier to feel our feelings, but only that we know that there is a light on the other side of whatever it is that we are feeling and that we will feel more connected if we move through our emotions rather than stay stuck behind the stories of them.  

Feeling from the heart is connective.  This is the key indicator that you are actually feeling rather than mustering about miserably inside your story about your emotions.  When you feel more open and available you know you are going in the right direction.  Even if right along side of it all there is pain, sadness, rage, frustration, fear, confusion, and the like, inside of an open heart all of these expressions are received.  And when all of these energy expressions are received, self-acceptance and learning can occur for you and all other beings who might be involved.  You move beyond self or other blame and shame, into the truth of the heart.  Here all gets reconnected, reclaimed and resolved.

Dr. Amanda Love, Network Spinal Analysis Chiropractic, Boulder, Colorado 

The Galactic Human


A matter of perspective

In some way or other we are all evolving.  We are learning, creating, and discovering things about ourselves.  While it may seem that things are the same from day to day, when we zoom out and look at ourselves from the perspective of decades, we can more easily see the fact that we are evolving and that our experience of ourselves is changing.  Even though one week may seem the same to the next week, it is not.  While there are similarities there is not sameness.  Our experience is different, even if miniscule.  Every second is a complete reorganization from the second before, it’s simply that our story about what we are experiencing creates a sense of linearity, which turns into days, week and years.

As we continue to evolve, or said another way, as we become more self-aware and wake up to more of ourselves, where we see from expands.  Our vantage point is wider and becomes more inclusive of what is already here.  You could call this a galactic perspective.  One that is larger and more comprehensive.  The galactic human that sees from a wider viewpoint is not different than the you that you are now in this very moment.  What is different is where you see yourself from.  The human perspective is typically limited to physical objects, to what can be perceived through the physical senses, and some smatterings of emotions and thoughts.  The galactic perspective includes all of those aspects of being a physical human, but it also takes into account more.  Inside its perspective is the world of subtle energy, the simultaneity of everything happening all at once and the interconnected heart.  Vibrational communication, transmission of energy and information through your mind-body rather than identification as the mind-body, and the inclusivity of everything inside of one being, are natural to what it knows.  

Integrating as the galactic human is really a matter of perspective.  How we see ourselves and what the mirrors around us tell us that we are, are key components to living more galactically informed.  If we keep looking out from the same glasses and into the same mirrors, we will keep getting the same information.  However if we have a new set of glasses or different reflections, then we can see ourselves from wider perspectives.  When we see ourselves, or are seen as the galactic human, we instantly become it.  I say instantly because we already are it, it’s simply that now we can see it.  The seeing of it makes it come alive inside of our experience of ourselves.   


Knowing what you are

There can be a tendency to want to escape from here, from where we are now on this planet we call earth.  We have an idea that somewhere, or really anywhere else in the galaxy, is better than here.  It can be challenging to see the magic of being human on this planet at this time with all of the incoherence that exists among and between the people here.  Incoherence is simply a confusion in the system due to a lack of awareness of self.  Confusion is a non-seeing or a mis-seeing or what one is, a not knowing or lack of recognition the nature of ourselves.  We don’t feel, see or know that we are love and therefore we don’t experience anything as magical.  Rather our experience is of dread, discontent, anxiety, depression and the like.  When we don’t clearly see ourselves our experience reflects our very own confusion back to us.  

Our confusion doesn’t ever touch what we are.  The love doesn’t go anywhere.  It is always here simply waiting to be seen or recognized.  When it is seen it feels amazing.  We may have some initial resistance to it in that we may not feel worthy of it, yet deeper down inside we feel the inklings of what can only be described as home.  A remembrance or knowing of ourselves, even if it’s not fully clear or we push it away some.  Something gets touched, activated, and presenced even if only for a moment.  A moment is enough.  It is enough to remember and each remembering builds upon itself.  You can’t unsee what you’ve seen.  While you may attempt to deny or posture around it in order to prove that you aren’t worthy of it, even still you can’t not be worthy of what you are.

The more we see and remember ourselves, the less confusion we experience and we become increasingly coherent.  We literally create a more coherent field in and around us.  This field of coherency allows us to have a different experience of being human.  An experience that appears and feels more magical, more alive and more expansive.  It allows us to experience ourselves galactically, interdimensionally, multidimensionally and communicating with greater and greater aspects of ourselves.  While these things might seem otherworldly, or simply other than you, they are not.  They are you, at and from a wider perspective of yourself.  You don’t communicate with other beings in other worlds, but instead you realize that you are a larger being that is more inclusive of what you currently perceive to be other beings and other worlds.  You bring the magic and aliveness that you project and idealize as living somewhere else in the cosmos and bring it here now inside of your current experience.  

The galactic human simply knows what it is.  It knows that it is love.  It is unmovable in this knowing.  This knowing reawakens the love that already is and brings it into a pulsing, alive, felt experience.  Your heartbeat and the beat of the planet fall into resonance.  Your lived experience becomes harmoniously aligned with the heart of creation and the interconnection of yourself at all levels of your being.  The living galactic human is being breathed through your body as you are now.  It is relaying itself through your mind and informing your actions.  See yourself as what you are, find and receive reflections wherever you can, and more and more your lived experience will reflect that of the galactic human.  

Dr. Amanda Love, Network Spinal Analysis Chiropractor, Boulder, Colorado

Inside of Awareness


Everything exists in you

Everything that exists, exists inside of awareness.  Awareness is the root of existence.  Things, ideas, feelings, sensations, experiences, your body, everyone else’s body, planets, galaxies, stars and all dimensions of reality are all inside of awareness.  There is nothing outside of awareness that exists.  Now you might not be aware of everything that exists inside of awareness, but you can be aware that you are aware, and that whatever you need to be aware of inside of awareness will always be revealed to you as you need to be aware of it.  

Noticing awareness is simple.  It is the fact that you are awake, aware, present, that there is something that is noticing.  The more you notice that something is noticing, the more you rest into pure awareness.  Pure awareness is wakefulness without focus on the content of awareness.  Everything is made out of this awareness, that’s why everything exists inside of it.  There is nothing other than awareness.  There is no non-awareness or non-existence.  By definition non-existence does not exist. Therefore non-existence doesn’t exist.  You can create an experience of something not existing inside of awareness, but that is an experience of non-existing and not non-existence because there is an awareness there experiencing it.  

While this might all seem a bit confusing or complex it really isn’t.  The fact that you are aware is undeniable and it is by the fact that you are aware that you can experience anything and everything that you do.  We often confuse ourselves as the body through which we feel sensations through, yet we are what is aware of the body.  The body is not aware of us.  Therefore the body is inside of awareness and we are aware of the sensations of it.  The body is inside of you, you are not inside of it.  The more you rest into noticing pure awareness, the more you can be aware of, inside of awareness.  When we confuse ourselves as the body we limit what we can feel and sense to it.  This is why it seems that we can’t feel what is happening inside of other people’s bodies or things going on in other parts of the world or the galaxy.  It is also why as we become increasingly self-aware we can feel and sense other people more easily just like we sense ourselves and we can tune into things outside of our immediate environment or even have contact with beings in other dimensions.  This isn’t an experience of overwhelm or of taking things “on” for other people, but rather it is simply a shared experience of ourselves from a larger, more inclusive perspective.   


Creator of experience

You’ve never experience another person.  Yep that’s right.  You’ve only ever experienced your interpretation of them.  Everyone, or every focalized point of awareness inside of the one awareness, is having their own experience of everything and everyone they experience.  And everything and everyone they experience gets experienced through the filters and lens that they have in place inside of the their energetic makeup.  This is why you only ever experience your interpretation of someone or something.  In a way you could say we are all in own little realities that are inclusive of everything and everyone we experience, and while there might be some agreed upon experiences and attributes that seem collective to our experiencing, at the end of the day we are the only one aware inside of our awareness.  We are the only one looking out from the lens we look from.  Therefore we are doing the determining of whatever it is we are experiencing.

This awareness that is doing the “aware-ing” is you.  There is no other you.  You are pure awareness.  As pure awareness you experience yourself in novel ways and create new modes and forms of expression and creation.  These, let’s say outward expressions even though nothing is really out, then come back and inform you at the level of your pure aware self.  This is the process of experience and creation.  You are the creator of this experience and expression of yourself.  This is quite a jump of perspective from thinking of yourself as a person in body on planet Earth.  The person in a body on planet Earth is your current iteration of your experience, but it is not you.   It is your creation.  

As we surrender our personality’s views, perspectives, and meanings about things that we hold so dear, we give up only our experience of limitation.  We rest into our larger self (aka pure awareness), which actually knows what our personality self constantly feels separate from.  Surrender is not a loss of anything except for the perception of loss.  Surrender is a remembering, a coming home, a welcoming, a gaining of insight, wisdom, knowledge and love from which we feel so disconnected from when we are identified as a being a person inside of a body.  Remember your body is inside of you.  You are the awareness that knows the body, not the personality in the body.

Waking up, ascending and enlightenment, is nothing other than the recognition of your self as pure awareness.  It is the conscious living and creating from the recognition of your true self as awareness.  The full recognition of your self as the creator of your experience of your body, your environments and all of things you create.  Rest assured this is not a heavy burden that your personality self has to somehow figure out how to do and create.  Rather you expand beyond your ordinary thinking mind with its limited views and perspectives into what feels more like a field of pure awareness that is pregnant with energy and life.  This vitality is you.  This potentiality is your playground.  You are free inside of your experience with the recognition that you are not your experience, but rather the creator of it.  

Dr. Amanda Love, Network Spinal Analysis Chiropractor, Boulder, Colorado

Stably Rested as Love


The insurmountable task

Love is magic.  Magic is love.  They are the same substance.  Invigorating and giving life to all that is.  To be stable as love is to experience every single moment as magically enchanting and completely full in itself, while revealing the mystery in wonder and awe.  It is being as a child is, innocent, present and purely in love.   How do we retain and remember our innocence, our pure childlike wonder and awe, despite what we experience all around us?  How do we be what we innately are in a world that is fabricated from self-serving and preserving objectives, which sometimes include our own?  To be rested in love, in a world that is not rested in love, is a mighty task.  Sometimes a seemingly insurmountable one.  A near constant attunement to one’s self, and a complete devotion to love is required if we desire to stably rest as love.

So many times you have heard, read, preached, understood and have known what I speak of when I say that all is love.  You know that love is the truth, the way, and all that truly exists when you break everything down to its core constituent.  Yet this knowledge is not enough to make love your stable, day in day out, lived experience no matter what you see, feel, hear or touch.  When we experience something as not love, we label this experience as a challenge or problem.  Every problem, challenge or obstacle you face is simply a teaching tool to break down your barriers to experiencing everything as love.  The problem is not a problem in the way you think it is.  Challenges show you where you are not integrated, not whole, and where you holding things out of love.  As humans we try to fix, avoid or run from problems and challenges, and in attempting to not face them, we postpone the very catalyst that can bring us more fully into the experience of the truth of love.

The easier path is to resign to the conditions that exist.  To match the collective frequency of the forgetfulness of love as the only realness, and to be unstably thrown about by the changing tides of every single thing that arises.  Yes this is actually the easier path, which is why it is so well chosen and why so few experience being stably rested as love no matter what.  While easier is easier, and takes less energy, no change in experience occurs.  You continue to feel powerlessly defeated by the collective frequency of this planetary experience from which it feels there is no escape but death.  To experience the stability of love you must move towards the problems and challenges, so that you can transmute and alchemize them back into their original essence, that of course, being love.   


Only more love

Underneath the covers, the masks, the facades, the fears and all of fronts, and in all the dark corners and closets, you will only ever find love.  The only question is will you have the courage to look, to take off the masks and face the fear that whatever is underneath them is not love?  Will you stop pretending that something besides love exists?  That there is some other force in the universe that is not benevolent, isn’t working for you or doesn’t have your back.  The moment you stop pretending or insisting that there is some such other force than love is the very same moment that you will stop experiencing it.  What will remain is the only true power in all of creation, which is love.  

It is not by knowledge that you will come into the lived experience of being stably rested as love, but rather through the direct application of using every problem and challenge that is delivered to you.  Rather than collapsing in fear, shutting down or reacting in resistance, open to whatever is being presented.  Again this is not easy.  Opening into what we are scared of takes deliberate focus and 100% devotion to love.  It means being willing to feel the fear.   Without this you will not penetrate your fears, but rather they will penetrate you.  While opening may feel vulnerable, it will put you in a position of power because you are no longer running.  You are present and available to what is here.  This is a state of resourcefulness even if you have no idea what is going to happen, if you are going to be ok, or how it will all work out.  

To experience everything, the entirety of existence, like the innocent child, full or wonder and awe, perceiving magic around every corner, is the natural state.  Everything else is made up stuff that we’ve pasted on top of the essence of creation.  Our delusions feel very real.  Solid like concrete.  Factual.  Impenetrable.  Yet magic shifts and changes in the blink of an eye.  It is mutable, constantly reforming itself over and over and over again.  Its only solidity is its ever changing mutability.  It is not impossible to live as a child experiences.  It does not mean that you become a child, but only that you see as one, in remembrance and connection with your true essence.  

To the best of your ability alchemize your problems and challenges, and you will come to live rested as love.  It is a process of refinement, of purification, back into the natural state.  You do not have to resonant or succumb to the collective frequency.  You contain all of the power of the one when you are rested as love.  Challenge the collective to rise to you rather than you drop to it.  You can do this.  Accept the work that comes along with it.  Open to your fears.  Keep moving towards and you will accelerate, increasing your vibration to match closer and closer to that of the pure essence of love.  If you do, you will have returned to what you knew when you were a child and the magic of love will be your new waking dream.  All you will see and experience will be love.

Dr. Amanda Love, Network Spinal Analysis Chiropractor, Boulder, Colorado

Embodied Worth


You are the source

Somehow, someway we all know that we are fundamentally worthy.  Even if we don’t live this knowing, somehow it is still known to us even if only through some distance flicker of intuitive insight or conceptual understanding.  The mere fact that we exist, that we be, is enough.  Without anything added or subtracted, just as we are, we are totally and completely worthy.  Nothing that you ever add to yourself, alter, change or get rid of, will make you more or less worthy.  Every pattern that you have, that you think that you need to let go of, does nothing to touch your worth.  Everywhere that you lack awareness of yourself, all of your blind spots and “mistakes”, can never do anything to affect your worth.  You are essentially untouchable, already, here and now.  

This begs the question as to why we then feel so touchable.  Why we feel that things can add to, or take away from, our fundamental worthiness when in fact they cannot.  This experience of lack, less than, or not enough exists only as an experience, an option on the smorgasbord of life, from which we can choose to partake.  While it may not feel like a choice to you, but rather like an inescapable fact from which you must endlessly and forever prove yourself, there is a deeper realization of your true nature patiently waiting on the other side from where you see now.  Perspective is everything when it comes to what we experience.  While it seems that life tells us what it is, it is the other way around.  We tell life what it is and then experience our perception of it.  It begins and ends with us.  

We are the source, thee source, of everything we experience, including lack of self.  Giving ourselves the experience of lack is just the same as giving ourselves the experience of abundance of self.  The only difference is that one experience feels better and is more desirable to us than the other.  Yet we still choose lack over and over again, which only means that we perceive greater benefit in the perception of seeing ourselves as not enough than we do in seeing ourselves as enough.  While it might seem confusing as to why we might do this, we need only dig a little deeper into our psyche to discover our intentions.  Perhaps we believe that it’s humble or more honorable to perceive and experience ourselves as not enough.  Maybe proving ourselves gives us something to do and we fear the fullness of completion because we think it means that we stop growing or evolving.  Perhaps we think that people won’t like us, love us or want us if we stand in the absolute power that we are.  A thorough investigation as to how the experience of unworthiness serves you is the first step in seeing the smorgasbord of options that are available to you so that you can clearly discern what you truly desire. 


Knowing who you are

When you know who you are, you experience untouchability.  Who you are is not a set of characteristics, preferences, roles, jobs, activities, hobbies or anything that you do.  While this is quite often the traditional way that we’ve been taught to think about “who” we are, it externalizes our sense of self onto the stuff of life rather than the recognition of ourselves as the source of life.  It often starts with the question “who do you want to be, or what do you want to do, when you grow up?”  If we don’t know what we want to do, or what we like or don’t like, then we perceive that there is something fundamentally wrong or missing from us.  We start viewing ourselves from the perspective of lack and feel like we don’t know ourselves and that we must do something to figure it out.  Our identity is outsourced onto the experiential, material world.  We go out to prove ourselves by trying to “figure out” who we are, rather than just resting in the pure and simple awareness that we exist, and that we be is who we are.  

This might seem radical, but who you are never changes.  Preferences will come and go, characteristics will change over time, you will be drawn to different roles, jobs, hobbies and such, yet you will never, ever fundamentally change who you are.  You will have different experiences of yourself, but the you that is the actual you will never be different.  You have not and never will change.  Only your experience of yourself changes.  You never need to do more, be more, express more, transmit more, share more, or any kind of more to be yourself and to be fully and completely worthy.  As you are in this very moment you will always and forever be.  When you begin to see this self that you are, that never changes, that is eternally present and untouchable, you will naturally rest more and more into it.  

The paradox is that the ease of changing our experience of ourselves comes with resting into the self that never changes.  If we don’t rest into the infinitely worthy self that just is, then changing our experience will come with more work and effort.  It will feel hard and riddled in doubt and uncertainty because this is what comes along with fusing ourselves with the experience of life rather than knowing ourselves the source of the experience.  When we are clear in our identity as the unchangeable and untouchable one, there is no more threat and no more fear.  Absolutely nothing can happen “to” us, because we are the ones creating the experiencing.  We are no longer the object of our experience, but the source of it.

Growth, evolution and novelty of experience will continue infinitely.  You can recognize and rest into your eternally worthy self and still create experience.  It’s simply that you create from a different lens, one of fullness rather than lack.  Creating from abundance is not better than creating from lack, it’s simple different.  A different way to experience yourself.  Everything in creation, that has been created and will be created, is simply the one infinite, eternal being experiencing itself in every possibly way.  You are that one.  It is who you are.  You are not the personality identity you’ve come to know yourself to be, but rather you are the source of all experiences and expressions.  Investigate, and choose consciously the lens from which you desire to create your now experience of life.

Dr. Amanda Love, Chiropractor, Network Spinal Analysis, Boulder, Colorado

Communicating from the Heart


Resting home

We all desire connection.  There is a primordial impulse to move towards greater and greater connection with self and others.  Without connection we feel separate, isolated and alone.  The impulse to connect is so strong because fundamentally there is just one being, one awareness, one is-ness in/as all of creation.  As the one, we have given ourselves the experience of separateness, making it seem as if we are disconnected.  The only remedy or repair is to reconnect, to come back into relationship, with all of which we are, so that we can remember the one source of which we’ve never been apart from.  

Connection occurs through communication.  We are always communicating something whether or not we are aware of it.  We may use our bodies, our emotions, or our thoughts to communicate, but what is actually doing the communicating? What is the being behind all of the forms that we utilize?  Often we are so identified as the forms, as our body, or our emotions or thoughts, and we don’t recognize the being that we are.  Due to this we may find ourselves in strictly mental conversations, or emoting without resolution, or having purely physically exchanges with others.  These communications don’t feel full because we are not fully there.  There is absence of a deeper presence.  A miss of something that you might not even fully be able to articulate, but you feel or know it.  While these types of exchanges might be functional and serve a practical purpose, they are transactional and ultimately unfulfilling in feeling greater connection.

As we recognize ourselves as the being that we are rather than misidentifying ourselves as all of the forms we think we are, we find the heart.  By organization the heart is interconnected.  It knows itself as one with everything else.  It is inseparable from all other hearts.  If you know your own heart, you know all hearts, because the heart is and acts as one.  There is a natural meeting and seeing.  A mirror reflecting itself back to itself.  This is where magic becomes evident as the way in which everything works.  There is no need for words, but words are welcome.  There can be physical touch or movement, but it is not required.  There is no force.  Joy, levity and bliss is the information the heart shares.  This is our natural state in which healing can occur as wholeness is recognized.  Landing in the heart is us resting into home.   


Elevating & Ascending

Being in love is the state we all desire.  Unfortunately we tend to think of being in love as what we experience with only one other person in our lives.  Maybe we love other people, but being in love is an entirely different game, of which we often only allow with our significant other and perhaps our children and pets.  What would it be like to extend the feeling of being in love to and with everyone you meet?  How open would you need to be in order to allow your heart to share vibrations of love with all?  I am not talking about just a friendly, social “sending of love”, but allowing your heart to merge with everyone you meet.  After all your hearts are already merged, it’s simply that most people are not communicating from this level of their being.  They are too busy being talking heads and getting stuff accomplished to recognize that they are one with the entire heart of the cosmos.

While many of us want to know how to sustain higher levels of energy, vibration, wisdom, excitement, desire and spiritual access in our lives, being in love is the answer to it all.  While you can use the permission slip of a significant other to help you generate the state of being in love, you don’t need to.  Being in love is what you are regardless of who you are or are not in a relationship with.  Since you can never leave yourself, meaning since you cannot not exist, being in love always is.  It’s simply a matter of where you choose to hang out inside of your being.  Fall in love with everything and I promise you that you will never ask or think about how you can sustain the energy, aliveness and desire for life that you desire to feel.

Spiritual ascension is a matter of being in love.  As you are, more and more becomes available to you.  Everything that you desire to feel or know, you become open to receiving.  Falling into love simply means you resist nothing that is and in return you become available to the entire reality of your world because you are not keeping anything out.  The heart steps front and center because it is the only thing that remains once you let your resistances go.  Effortlessly you are rested in your heart and you communicate this with everything and everyone, without the need for words or anything else.  This doesn’t mean that everyone will be able to fully receive what you share, but it doesn’t matter.  They receive what they can, and because you recognize yourself as an abundant overflowing stream of love, you know that all is well regardless.  

Being in love is the best.  We all know this.  I invite you to activate the state of being in love right now.  If you fall out of love, then periodically throughout your day, remind yourself to fall back into love.  It is really that simple.  It’s not hard to fall in love.  It’s the easiest, most natural way of being because it’s what you are.  It’s where and when you feel most alive, most connected and most at peace.  Challenges exist only when we resist love, not when we are in love.  Surrender to love.  Surrender to yourself.  The only thing on the other side of it all is more yum.  

Dr. Amanda Love, Network Spinal Chiropractic, Boulder, Colorado

Disowned Power


Collective peace

If there is an epidemic of anything on this planet it is quite certainly disowned power.  Disowning our power is so natural to us, so ordinary to our everyday operational mechanisms, that we don’t even see how we do it.  Projecting our state of being onto whatever we can find to project it onto is our favorite past and present time activity.  Why are we so quick to give away our power even when we become aware of the fact that we are doing it?  Why don’t we want to take responsibility for our state of being in every single moment?  While on the surface it might seem easier to pass the buck to something or someone else, at the end of the day we are the ones that have to live inside of our own minds and there is no real way out of the torture of our self-created disowned power, except to claim our power that is always and forever ours.

One of the biggest perceived obstacles of claiming our power is denying the fact that we have any to begin with.  Life happens, situations occur and often we think that we simply have to feel however it is that we have been programmed to feel about those occurrences. We often don’t recognize that we can choose to feel however we desire to feel about whatever it is that occurs.  That may seem like a bold statement, yet it’s true.  However you perceive, or said another way, whatever meaning you give to the situations and circumstances of your life, will determine how you feel about them and thus determine your experience of them.  Something is bad, sad, horrible, happy, good, joyous, tragic, a problem, a bummer, stressful, selfish, altruistic and on and on, only if you say it is.  Things are what you say they are.  You will always experience what you perceive, not what actually is.  

Most people think that it is the situation or event that determines what they feel, and that is the essence of disowned power.  The situation never tells you, rather you are always telling the situation.  That last sentence might take lifetimes for some people to accept and to take fully ownership over how they see, what meanings they ascribe, and what beliefs they choose to believe that create their experience of reality.  The result however would be an empowered society.  One without blame, shame, projection, fighting, war and the like.  The result would be peace and harmony, and while so many are quick to spout off that this is what they want and wonder why they don’t experience it yet as reality, what they fail to see is that our disowned power is the source of the apparent lack of peace.  When we each take accountability for our own state of being, and how we desire to feel, there will be nothing but collective peace with all that is, and thus all that is will be peaceful.   


The game of self-awareness

Now you might be thinking that you are completely self-empowered and that you don’t even need to read this article, and that would be true, you are completely self-empowered in this moment, but do you know what you are empowered in?  This is where the subtle nuances of self-awareness come into play.  For example you may be completely convicted in the belief that something, let’s say something that is going on in your body, means something bad.  This is actually a state of empowerment.  You are empowered in knowing that something is bad and that you are labelling it as such.  That is your choice even if it doesn’t feel like a choice to you yet, it is.  Does this labeling and thought of something bad come from conditioned beliefs?  Yes likely it does, but it doesn’t mean it’s true.  It just means that it is what you are believing, so that is what your experience reflects.  As soon as you recognize what you are believing and that you are believing it, it is no longer a pattern, habit, or an unconscious belief.  It is conscious, and from that point on you are now in recognition of your choosing to believe in the badness, or if you prefer you can choose a new belief or perspective of whatever your preference is.  Perhaps a belief that creates more harmony inside of your body rather than dis’ease’.  It’s all quite sneaky how we perpetuate the very things that we feel that we don’t want simply by reinforcing the state of being that creates the experience of those sensations or expressions.   

You are not victim to anything.  Not anything.  Not even your body and its multitude of infinite expressions.  You can only, from your completely self-empowered self, give yourself the experience of victimization.  Your body doesn’t tell you how you feel, you tell your body how you feel and your body responds to you.  Your nervous system doesn’t dis-regulate, you dis-regulate and your nervous system responds.  Your emotions don’t overwhelm you, you choose to feel overwhelmed and your emotions express that overwhelm for you.  These are some of the subtle ways that we disown our power, which seem very commonplace and ordinary to us.  It’s how we speak and we don’t recognize that we are outsourcing our power onto the things of life rather than more directly seeing ourselves as the source of it.  This doesn’t mean that we determine the happenings of life, but rather only that we determine how we experience the happenings of life.  Our experience of it is everything because without our experience of it all is simply neutral.  

You are always in charge of your experience, even if you are choosing to pretend that you aren’t.  Everything that is unconscious can be brought to light.  Through self-awareness, and paying attention to the subtle ways you think, speak, and behave, you can bring all of your unconscious ways of being, thinking and believing into consciousness.  Once you do, now you see yourself, and you see what you’ve been choosing, that it has been you choosing this way all along even if it didn’t feel that way up until this very moment.  Even if it seemed like it was just your “patterns”, or your parents, or your society, alas all along it has been you.  You choosing.  Once you see yourself in whatever ways you need to see yourself for whatever it is you are bringing to light, your power becomes apparent to you.  It has been yours all along even if you illusorily gave it to situations, your body or other people.  You can’t really give your power away, you can only pretend that other people, event and such can control you.  They can’t.  You choose to be in agreement.  Choice in how you experience whatever you experience is always yours.  

Dr. Amanda Love, Network Spinal Analysis Chiropractic, Boulder, CO

Vibrational Transmission


Understanding wave dynamics 

We are all vibrationally transmitting something that is far beyond the surface appearance of things.  Have you ever noticed that two different people might say the exact same words to you, but the energy behind one person’s way of saying the words resonates with you in a different way than the other person saying the exact same words.  We have all had this experience, yet we may not have given too much thought as to why this is so.  For a moment rather than thinking of yourself as a human being see yourself as a wave.  Notice the amplitude and length of this wave that you are, and see it repeating itself over and over.  Now see the other two people that have spoken the exact same words to you as waves as well.  Notice the one whose words perhaps resonated more with you than other person.  What does their wave look like?  Now look at the other person whose words seem more neutral or less resonate, and notice their wave.  Simply observe what you notice.  

We know, at least conceptual, that we are all energy.  Energy is vibration or frequency.  So in essence we are all vibrating waves.  When we come into “phase” with a wave that has the same or similar frequency as we do, it has an amplifying effect.  The amplifying effect creates more energy, and the experience of this is that we feel that the source of whatever we are tuning into lands for us and we feel uplifted.  This is why it’s so important to follow what resonates, because it will bring more energy into your experience and the effect is that you will both get and give more to whatever you are experiencing.  The opposite of this is also true.  If you are with someone that has a frequency that is opposite to you, the combination of your two waves will cancel each other out, therefore there will be less energy available and things won’t land for you in same uplifting way, even though, on the appearance level the same words were spoken.  In physics this is called being out of phase.  Out of phase waves create what is called destructive interference and in phase waves create constructive interference.  

Now that you understand that everything is and emits a vibration you can begin to see deep to the surface of things and notice what the appearance of things is actually made out of.  You can also understand the physics as to why some things feel really impactful for you and others don’t, or why something you try works great for you, but when you recommend it to your friend they have a completely different experience of it.  It literally has nothing to do with the thing itself and has everything to do with frequency dynamics. 


Waves carrying information

Everything is frequency.  Beyond just people being waves, so are the foods you eat, the buildings you live in, the air you breathe, the cars you drive, the illnesses in your body, the books you read, and on and on literally including everything.  Energy is the foundation of all appearances that exist.  In this way you could say that everything is alive, even seemingly inanimate objects.  This is why people sage their houses and talk to their cars.  You are in a vibrational relationship with absolutely everything.  While not everyone might admit that their cars are alive, nonetheless they talk to them anyways even though it doesn’t make logical sense to them to do so.

There is no right or wrong when it comes to frequencies.  All frequencies are equally valid and each provide different experiences.  No one and no thing has a bad frequency.  There are simply frequencies that resonate and ones that don’t.  There is no judgment that is inherent in any given wavelength.  Judgment only enters the picture if your mind decides to judge what it sees in some way.  When we don’t feel self-empowered we tend towards judgement.  When we feel scared of something or someone, again we tend towards judgment.  Judgment of frequency is optional.  The more self-empowered you become the less need you will find to judge, and the more easily you will realize your power to simply follow what feels in resonance for you, without feeling that you can’t for some reason or another.

Waves carry information.  Since everything is frequency, this means that everything is transmitting information.  Whatever information is relevant for you to know will somehow, someway find its way to you.  You too are transmitting information beyond and through the physical nature of your existence.  Even though sometimes it may feel that you are just a physical body, doing physical things, I assure you that you are not.  If you get quiet, you can tune into the frequency that you are and even hear the information that you are transmitting.  As you do this you will also be able to hear the frequencies of other things that are in your reality more easily.  Things that perhaps sometimes feel hard to hear or know, can be heard and known when you simply get still enough and listen.  

Creation is a vibrational playground.  Infinite frequencies making up the expanse of the entire cosmos.  All dancing, playing and working together.  As you become a more well tuned receiver and transmitter, you will experience more energy, synchronicity, aliveness and interconnection with all that is.  Rather than that all being conceptual, it will be your lived experienced.  You will feel increasingly more powerful, consciously being able to tap into whatever information and experience is relevant for you, knowing that all is possible and that you can’t not play your part in it all.  Creation would not be complete without the specific vibration that you emit.  Each and every frequency that exists makes up the one entire whole of all that is.  

Dr. Amanda Love, Chiropractor, Network Spinal Analysis, Boulder, CO

Moment to Moment Surrender


Nuanced subtlety

What does it mean to live surrendered?  We often speak of surrender as something we do in situations where we are relinquishing the outcome of anything happening in a particular way.  For example we might find ourselves intensely desiring or holding onto a specific thing occurring or not occurring.  We mentally regurgitate it over and over and create tension in our body as we attempt to control the unfolding of it with our mind.  Often we will reach a point where we simply can’t try to control it any longer and we let go.  This is what we refer to as surrender.  We let the outcome be the outcome even if it is an undesirable outcome.  Our attachment dissolves.  We feel the release of trying to impose our will on the situation and we simply let it be.  We’ve surrendered.  Now we can just be and allow the movements of life to move about.  

When there is a situation that feels big to us, it is easy to see how this process works.  There is a build up of tension to the point where we simply can’t take it anymore and it seems that the only choice is to let go.  But what about all of the space in between, the small tensions that arise in our day to day living that we just live with, that we’ve accommodated to tolerating as our baseline for existing?  We often wonder why we don’t always feel flow, or why some days seem easy and others so challenging?  It seems that our stable base of goodness comes and goes, and that it isn’t in our control.  We don’t realize that what seems to interfere with our stable base of flow and ease is our tolerance for small little tensions that we hold onto without really knowing that we are.  We may notice tension in our body, or that our breath doesn’t feel as full, or we may feel the clunkiness of the day or week, but it’s a mystery to us why we feel this way and why we can’t just get back to flow.  We can get back to flow, but first we must realize what small little tensions we are tolerating in our life.

Recognizing what we are tolerating and holding onto requires subtlety.  We must become more subtle and nuanced in paying attention to ourselves in an inquisitive way.  Often this means slowing down for moments throughout our day so that we can pay attention.  As soon as we notice effort, pushing, non-presence, or trying to just get through, we need to use this as a signal to ourselves to pause and inquire as to what we are feeling below the effort.  Diving in and bringing to awareness or light whatever subtle thing(s) we are trying to manipulate, control or manage.  Once you identity it, you can, just like that let it go.   


Knowing what you are holding

The flow we desire is here now inside the same moment where we feel effort, strain or tension.  By recognizing the subtle little tensions you hold and being willing to let go of them as you notice them, you come into moment to moment surrender.  This is living surrendered.  It doesn’t mean that you are passive to life, but rather that you allow life to be as it is in response to you.  You take action on life in the ways you desire and then you allow life to give you the fruits of those actions in whatever ways it will.  You detach from insisting that your desires should manifest in any particular way.  If you do this you will experience the freedom that is always here, but which you simply are not attuned to when you are bound inside of your tensions.  

You might wonder why you tolerate a bunch of little tensions throughout your day or why you indulge in being non-present.  It’s this.  We tend to think that all of the things we hold onto are important.  Somehow we perceive that it’s vital that we hold on to say a certain perspective we have, a feeling we are feeling, or a thought that we are mulling over and over.  There is some value we find in not letting go of whatever it is we are holding onto.  Some of it is habit, meaning we are unconscious to what we are holding so we just hold it, but as soon as we are aware of what we are holding onto it is no longer a habit, but rather a choice.  When we bring into awareness our tensions we make the them conscious.  Once we are conscious we are in charge. 

We may or may not like being in charge of ourselves.  We may not want to have as much power over ourselves as we think we want.  Regardless the power is yours.  There is nothing you can do about the power that you are/have except give it away to circumstances, events, situations or other people, or claim it as your own.  Either way it’s still yours.  You are free to do whatever you’d like to do with your power.  If you choose to claim it then you are able to let go of whatever you’d like to and also hold onto whatever you want to hold onto.  It’s now what you are choosing rather than it seemingly being the random state of being that you are in.  You now know why you feel effort or flow, and you realize that you can shift whenever you want to.  

Each time you notice that you are not in the state of being that you desire, you can check in and discover what little tension is interfering and let it go if you want to experience flow again.  It’s this commitment that creates a stability in your state of being because now you recognize that you can consciously choose your state.  This is moment to moment surrender.  It’s the giving away of what your mind thinks is so important and opening into what is instead.  At our core we all want to be open into the presence of being and the aliveness of this moment.  It’s where all the richness resides.  We hold on because we somehow think that through holding onto whatever we are holding onto, that we will arrive in this richness because we will get what we want.  Surrender allows us to receive what we truly want which is often beyond what our minds can perceive. 

Dr. Amanda Love, Chiropractor, Network Spinal Analysis & Somato-Respiratory Integration, Boulder, Colorado

You Don’t Need to Do More


Be as you are

Nearly all of us have bought into the story that we need to do more and more and more.  It’s as though we could give everything we’ve got to give and somehow we still come up short in what we think we need to give.  The doing, and the thoughts of all the doing, are exhausting.  We then wonder why we are so tired and depleted, and yet we keep attempting to give more than we’ve got to give.  What happens when we run out of fuel, but we keep giving anyways?  Breakdown.  Breakdown of our body, our mind and our lives.  We see the breakdown and still we don’t stop trying to give more than we’ve got to give.  

Where does this insatiable need to do more come from?  It comes from a deep seated belief that we are not enough.  We think that if we can somehow give or do more, then we can bridge the gap between our not enoughness and what we think we need to give in order for it to be enough.  It’s as if all of our doing can somehow compensate for our sense of not being enough in/as our natural state of being.  As an extension of this, our sense of not enoughness often shows up as a feeling of lack in abundance of resources.  We give or do more, more, more so that we don’t feel this lack of enoughness.  We fear that if we don’t over-give or over-do then we won’t have what we need or we won’t be taken care of.  So we are like slaves to our avoidance of feeling the not enoughness that we fear we are.  

It’s an edge for many of us to simply be rested as ourselves without feeling the inner obligation, necessity, or burden to do or give more than is natural for us to give or do.  We hope that our doing will make us feel like we are enough.  We try to get to enough through our giving rather than simply being enough.  It’s a losing game, because we can never feel or experience what we don’t first become.  We must become enough before we will experience the feelings of enoughness.  Nothing we do can will ever sustainably get us to feeling complete.  We are attempting to do it backwards.  We somehow think that we have to prove, attain or show our worthiness in order to experience it.  Yet the recognition or realization of our enoughness, in our already state of being as we are, is the answer to the end of feeling not enough.  When we see ourselves and what we have to naturally give as enough in its expression, then so it is.  This doesn’t always mean that the people or things in our life will always get what they want from us, but it does mean that you will be alignment with yourself as you are.   


Abundant in abundance

A world of absolute and complete enoughness.  Can you even imagine what that would feel or be like?  Imagination is exactly what we need.  Imagination that is rooted in knowing that it is already so.  In this way our imaginations can create the playing field of experience to match what we are already convicted in to be true.  This is the way it works.  It’s already working this way.  It’s simply that what we are currently convicted in is lack of enoughness of self, and the projection of that is the experience of lack in this world.  One might say that we are abundant in lack.  There is no real lack, but only the perception of it.  That is true for how we view ourselves and the world.  We can see ourselves as not enough, but we can never actually be not enough.  This is not to say that other flavors, resources or beings might not be needed in certain situations in life, but just because something more or else is needed has nothing to do with our inherent enoughness.  

We don’t need to be everything, we just need to be ourselves.  Being ourselves is enough even if more is needed.  We don’t have be the more.  This is why there are billions of beings on this planet.  Each being has the responsibility to be itself, nothing more and nothing less.  Neither is even possible.  You can always and only be what you are.  You can try to be more, but this where burnout and breakdown occurs.  Give over trying to be it all in order to be enough, and let in all of the other beings in this life to support whatever is needed in each and every moment.  We are not designed to do it all or be it all rather we are designed to be who we are, just as we are.  

It takes courage to not take it all on as yours.  Courage to trust that you being you is enough.  That you can love yourself just as you are and you don’t have to first be more.  Give what you want to give.  Do what you want to do.  Let whatever your giving and doing is be enough.  It is.  Just because you think that other people, or the situations of your life, want or need more of you than you have capacity to give or be, it’s ok to let it be or let them want.  It’s ok if they are disappointed or upset and/or if you are disappointed in yourself.  Come back to knowing that you are enough in your current state of giving, being and doing.  Get more and more convicted in the knowing of your enoughness.  The paradox is that the less you attempt to be more than you are, the more of you that you’ll have to give.  

Knowing you are enough is the same as loving yourself.  Honor who you are.  Stop wishing you could somehow be different or more.  That’s unkind, and if you value kindness then start with yourself.  You will naturally grow, expand and develop as a being, but none of that growth makes you more than you already are in this moment.  You are complete and enough right now in exactly whatever it is you give and do.  More giving or doing doesn’t make you more. Recognize your enoughness now and you will experience a world of enough.  A world that is abundant in abundance rather than abundant in lack.  It all starts and ends in how you view it.  How you see, so it is.  

Dr. Amanda Love, Network Spinal Analysis Chiropractor, Boulder, Colorado