Meet Dr. Love

Dr. Amanda Love is a Network Chiropractic practitioner and provides high level well-being services that help people unwind, align and free their body, heart and life.  She is passionate about helping people connect to more of themselves so that they can experience stable well-being and the optimal inner conditions for living an aligned life.

Dr. Love sees tensions and pains as sources of fuel that can be ignited to help people heal, transform and live more fulfilling lives in service to all.  In a culture where most modalities are trying to alleviate pain she sees her gift in helping people find the wisdom and freedom through however their body is expressing.  She loves to support people who are energetically awake and who are hungry to deepen in awareness of themselves.

Dr. Love received her doctorate degree from New York Chiropractic College in 2010. She also holds a Master’s of Science degree in Acupuncture from the Finger Lakes School of Acupuncture and a Bachelor’s of Science in Occupational Therapy from Indiana University.  She has over 20 years of experience working in health and wellness related fields and is the highest level certified in Network Spinal Analysis and as a Somato Respiratory Integration facilitator.  She is also an avid writer on the topics of healing, empowerment and self-realization.

Dr. Love’s personal testimony for Network Chiropractic care:

“I was first introduced to Network Chiropractic care when I was in my 3rd year of chiropractic college.  I had been receiving traditional Chiropractic care since I was 12 years old due to back pain and headaches.  Probably like most people I thought that Chiropractic care was about getting rid of pain/symptoms.  When I found Network (or it found me), it was the first time in my life where I started to connect to being in my body and discovering what it was to be present.  I became aware of tension patterns that I had been living with for many years in a new way and the intelligence of my body literally “woke up”.  I began to experience this innate intelligence, which is really the foundation of Chiropractic, course through my body and with that in the first few months of Network Chiropractic care those tension patterns shifted dramatically and my body/being reorganized.  As my system reorganized I began to experience higher levels of energy and with that, the experience that I was much more than a physical form.  I realized I was also an energetic being connected to this indescribable energy source that felt like love and bliss and that ultimately that is what I am.  I had (and continue to have) new awareness of what I am, the power of my being, and this field of love with which I am.   I’m grateful to Network Chiropractic for helping me connect to and express the gift that I am here to give in bringing more love into the world.”

Our Vision

The vision of the Sanctuary for Heart Magic is to be portal where people transmute, alchemize and use their challenges, obstacles and pains to become a new, expanded version of themselves. The version of self that leads life from the heart.  The intention of the sanctuary is to be a sacred container that assists in increasing each person’s capacity to self-heal, create empowered choices, and show up in the world as they truly desire.  It is a community where people feel deeply met, safe, accepted and cared for, and where they come to see and love all aspects of their being so that a fuller expression of their essence is lived.

Our Mission

The mission of the center is to provide multidimensional well-being care, that optimizes body-mind-heart alignment, for people who want to live extraordinary existences and contribute their gifts like crazy in this world.  Our services include Network Spinal Analysis, Somato-Respiratory Integration and Body Integration Coaching.

Our Philosophy

At the Sanctuary for Heart Magic we know that the more presence you have in any endeavor the less force you need.  This runs counterintuitive to what most of us have come to believe.  You are designed for subtlety, but in our noisy world it is hard to hear your body unless it is screaming in pain.

We also know that you are a self-healing, self-regulating being and have the resources inside of you to heal, transform and awaken to your next level.  Through loving awareness, presence and the wisdom of your body, healing happens and infinite possibilities for well being emerge.