Communing with Higher Self


Getting clear on higher self

You may wonder what your higher self is.  There are many names used to describe this aspect of self.  You can interchangeably use the words soul, divine essence, infinite intelligence, or inner wisdom, with higher self.  It is the aspect of you that has a wider lens through which it sees and knows.  It is the prime organizer and orchestrator of all things macroscopic, such as the spinning of galaxies, and all things microscopic, such as how the cells in your body function and behave.  There is no form that your higher self doesn’t inform that is relevant to your existence.  Higher self is the source of all information and energy, which gives rises to all of creation.  

Higher self may not be directly evident to you, meaning you may not see some magical being or have some type of extrasensory perception or knowing of it.  However it is evident in the fact that you exist, that your body breathes, that you move about, and that your life endeavors work as they do.  Higher self is in everything as ordinary as your day to day routines and also informs seemingly fantastical things such as psychic abilities, light travel and connection across the cosmos.  Higher self leaves nothing out.  This then begs the question as to how you might experience higher self more in your life when it’s not directly evident to you, particularity when you feel lost, confused, disconnected, powerless or hopeless.  

First you need to dissect out exactly what it means to you to experience your higher self, and what it is you want to know or experience that you currently are not.  Maybe you want to feel more intuitive, have greater clarity, or sense things beyond your physical senses, because somehow you know that there is more.  Perhaps you want to feel more deeply connected, intimate with all of life, and you desire to experience more flow and ease as you move about in your body and this world.  Getting clear on what your desires are will help draw those experiences to you.  Desire is a portal of attraction, which brings to you those things that your heart longs to experience or know.  The catch is that it may not look like what you think it is supposed to look like.  You might not become a psychic shop owner, or be able to “feel” energy, or have all of your body aches and pain go away.  Yet if you keep your eye on your desires they will in someway show up in your life exactly how you need to experience them.  Your mind may be disappointed that it doesn’t look how you thought it would, but if you let go of your pictures you will be more readily available to see what is in front of you, and how it is a match for exactly what you need. 


Upgrading the nervous system

Our physical bodies and minds are vehicles for higher self.  They are both made out of higher self and also allow higher self to express through them.  In a way you could say that your body and mind are technology that your higher self uses to create and experience life through.  Now you might not have ever thought about your mind or body as being technology, but they are some of the most sophisticated, self-organizing technology on the planet.  The wiring and complexity of the human nervous system allows us a range of sensory-motor movement patterns to sense, feel and take actions with our bodies.  That same wiring allows for communication between all of your cells, so that all of the organs and glands in your body perform their necessary functions.  It also allows for language comprehension and production, memory and all higher brain functions.  Without all of this neural wiring your higher self would not be able to experience and create life as it does now with your body.  

Your body’s nervous system is like its hardware. Whenever hardware gets upgraded, for example like when you get the next best iPhone, then new software programs that have greater efficiency and functionality can run throughout the device.  In this analogy you can think of your body as the phone, your nervous system as the hardware, and energy and information as the software programs.  Energy and information are the essence of experience.  Energy being the substance or forms of creation, and information being the blueprint that informs the forms that are created.  When your body’s hardware (ie. nervous system) gets upgraded you are able to access energy and information differently.  This can look like a million different things, but to sum it up there is increasingly more and more coherence in your experience of life.  With greater coherence you feel clearer, more connected, experience greater flow and ease, and begin to expand your perceptions beyond where they currently are.

Receiving Network Spinal Care is a way to upgrade the hardware of the human nervous system.  Network Spinal lays down architecture that allows for more information and energy to be accessed and utilized by the nervous system.  What this means for your experience of life is that you experience a larger range of what is available to be experienced.  Your physical capacity expands, your emotional range increases, you have greater mental clarity and you feel more connected to, with and as your soul or higher self.  

This is not an overnight process.  It takes time to develop this new hardware, but once it’s developed you have new pathways into self-knowing and self-experiencing.  Advancing the technology with which your higher self can communicate and move through means that you create life differently because you have novel information from which to create from.  You realize more and more that you are not bound or limited by your physical form, but that it is only one mode or form of expression that you have at the fingertips of your awareness to utilize.  You know yourself more and more as the source of expression rather than as the form of expression.  You rest into the master seat of yourself and play endlessly with the forms available to you.  

Dr. Amanda Love, Chiropractor, Network Spinal Analysis, Boulder, Colorado

Feeling From the Heart


The range of human emotion

There are a wide range of emotions that are available for us to feel as human beings.  Emotions or feelings are simply energy with a charge.  When we feel emotions, the energy of them shifts or the charge dissipates.  When this dissipation happens we often feel more acceptance, more peaceful and soon afterwards we get greater clarity.  What we couldn’t see before we can now see.  The charge was blocking our view, but once the charge moves the view becomes much more clear inside of our minds.  The thing is that most people have resistance to feeling their emotions.  This is because there are many stories about what feeling emotion means to who we are as human beings.  For some people feeling emotion is a sign of weakness, for others emotions feel too scary, intense and like something that will never end, and still others have simply learned to ignore their emotions so they don’t recognize them even when they are present. 

The purpose of emotions is to help us see ourselves.  Emotions tell us how we feel about something, they tell us what works for us and what doesn’t work for us, and they give us insight into what we believe about ourselves, life or the world.  If we feel our emotions and investigate the stories behind them, then we are using emotions for their intended purpose and we can become more self-aware and self-responsible human beings.  Often when we think we are feeling emotions what we are actually doing is regurgitating our story about them, and not fully dropping into the feeling.  Our thoughts seem safer than the out of control-ness we experience when we allow emotions to move through us.  Those few moments of feeling out of control are necessary for the emotion to dissipate its charge and to unwind the architecture we have created in attempts to not feel.  

Being out of control only means that you finally stop your story and all of your thoughts that are connected to that story.  It doesn’t mean that you go crazy or do harmful and unconscious things to yourself or others.  It is the exact opposite of that.  You become more conscious through the process of temporarily allowing the suspension of your mind to control your experience.  This is the moment where healing happens and where the heart opens.  If your feeling emotions, but you aren’t feeling your heart open more through whatever it is that you are feeling, then you are stuck in the story of your emotions rather than feeling them.   


Reconnected, Reclaimed & Resolved

Opening into the heart is the same as opening into ourselves.  There is an honesty, realness, or a feeling of being more dropped in and rested in our being.  The armoring lifts and we can breathe more fully again.  It’s like layers come off that we didn’t even know we had on.  We feel light and clear even if we don’t know what we know yet.  Somehow things are just different even though it doesn’t seem like anything has happened.  We feel available to life and to ourselves.  We can listen.  We are seen.  We are no longer fighting inside.  We are reconnected to ourselves. 

One of the unconscious reasons why we resist feeling is because we think we will feel something bad about ourselves or another.  We avoid this at all cost, and I mean all costs.  We would rather give ourselves back pain, headaches, digestive problems, cancer or heart disease than feel that there is something inherently bad about ourselves or another person.  Particularly another person that we love or don’t want to hurt.  By not feeling, we hold, we constrict, and we postpone taking actions that need to be taken, saying things that need to be said and living in ways that are aligned with ourselves.  Speaking up and taking actions can feel scary to us because they bring instability into the picture.  Instability meaning that “I don’t know what is going to happen here if I do or say this thing that I need to.”  We fear loss of connection, love or safety, so rather than being honest and feeling, we choose dishonesty and living unaligned.  We stay stuck in our story about our emotions without ever feeling them.  

What we often don’t realize is that even if we fear loss of connection by feeling whatever it is we are feeling, the paradox is that feeling the thing is what brings us into the connection that we actually desire.  This is so contradictory to how we think it works, but after we experience this a few times we can quickly learn that this is indeed the way it is.  That doesn’t mean that it gets easier to feel our feelings, but only that we know that there is a light on the other side of whatever it is that we are feeling and that we will feel more connected if we move through our emotions rather than stay stuck behind the stories of them.  

Feeling from the heart is connective.  This is the key indicator that you are actually feeling rather than mustering about miserably inside your story about your emotions.  When you feel more open and available you know you are going in the right direction.  Even if right along side of it all there is pain, sadness, rage, frustration, fear, confusion, and the like, inside of an open heart all of these expressions are received.  And when all of these energy expressions are received, self-acceptance and learning can occur for you and all other beings who might be involved.  You move beyond self or other blame and shame, into the truth of the heart.  Here all gets reconnected, reclaimed and resolved.

Dr. Amanda Love, Network Spinal Analysis Chiropractic, Boulder, Colorado 

Empathy & empowered feeling

Empowered feeling

Emotional resilience

Woman with heart. Lotus positionMany people have a story that their feelings are too much and as such feel a like a victim to their emotions.  They try their best to not feel certain emotions as they fear that the emotion will overcome them and they will be lost in a particular feeling state indefinitely.  In this scenario what is happening is that we are giving away our power to our emotions.  We are essentially saying that our emotions are bigger than us (rather than a transitory aspect which we experience) and we are not realizing that we are the creator of our emotions to begin with.  

When we don’t realize that we are the creator of our emotions than we will always feel on some level like they are simply happening to us.  When we have this relationship of emotions happening to us we often feel powerless to change the way that we feel.  This can leave us feeling trapped until either the emotional state or the active trigger which seemed to create the emotional state passes.  

There is a way beyond having to wait it out, but it requires you to step into the next level of knowing yourself as the creator of your life, including your emotional state of being.  This is what I call having emotional resilience and empowered feeling.  It implies that you know you are the creator of your feeling states and thus you are ultimately in charge of how you are feeling at any given moment.  It means that you have to step completely out of the frame of mind that something can “happen to you” and realize that you are choosing what you experience.  This can be a big step especially when something really feels like it has a hold of us and we’ve completely lost sight of ourselves.  

This shift in consciousness and in identity is what allows you to take full responsibility for your feeling state.  In this way you can feel whatever you feel without needing to blame people, triggers, circumstances or conditions.  You realize that you are ultimately in charge and ultimately the only one who can change your emotional state of being at any moment.   


Feeling beyond our own skin line

oneness fieldThis moves us now to feeling beyond our own emotional states into the world of empathy or feeling others.  Empathy is actually our natural state of being. I find it ironic that people have found a way to pathologize that which is inherent to us and to seek ways to treat it.  Someone has actually coined an “empathy disorder” characterized as someone who is too sensitive to the emotions and energy of people, animals and the environment beyond their conscious control.  The condition implies, as all do, that you are somehow a victim to what you feel/experience, rather than the knowledge that you are again ultimately the creator of all that you experience.  

I want to invite the perspective here that to be un-empathetic or non-sensitive is actually to be disconnected from your feeling body.  Part of being human is that we have an emotional body, to feel is natural, and to feel beyond one’s own skin line or to perceive feeling in that which is seemingly distinct and separate from you, such as another human being, plant or animal, is simply the waking up of your interconnectedness with all.  It is not a pathology, it is who and what you actually are beyond duality.    

Historically most all feeling, whether within or outside your own skin line, has been labeled as non-rational, hysteric or even impossible. In that way we have come to permission/create some feelings and not others. We’ve also learned through cultural conditioning that some feelings are bad or wrong, while others are good or right.  As you suspend your need to label some emotions as bad, wrong or too much, you will stop finding the need to pathologize your feelings and realize the gift of feeling and empathy.  The true pathology or problem is not in feeling or in being sensitive, but instead in repressing or dampening out that which you do feel. To feel is what is required to bring humanness back to being human, to bridge the gap of the illusion of our separateness from one another and wake up to the fact that we are ultimately one being.

Embrace your feelings, stop labeling them and stop judging yourself for having them. Rejoice that you can actually feel as there are many who still can’t find or feel their emotions. Know that you are the ultimate creator of all feeling.  Your feeling, your sensitivity, is an enormous gift that this world needs. Please recognize it as such and continue boldly in feeling all that which desires to be felt through you.

Dr. Amanda Hessel, Chiropractor, Network Spinal Analysis & Somato-Respiratory Integration, Boulder, Colorado