Next level manifestation

Manifestation is popular spiritual concept.  Everyone wants to know how to manifest what they desire and experience the life of their dreams.  There tends to be two extreme ways that people go about manifesting.  One way is to work to make happen.  This means doing whatever it takes, at whatever cost, to make the thing you desire happen and create your life how you dream it to be.  I call this the active way.  The other way is to open yourself to what you desire and let it happen through you.  I call this the passive way.  It involves intention, conviction, faith and surrender.  Neither way is right or wrong, and believe it or not, one way is not easier then the other way.  They are simply two different approaches to the same desired end goal.  

Just to be clear from the beginning, what most people desire is a state of being and not an actual thing or experience.  For example you may think that you really want a relationship, money, a home, a business or some particular experience, however what most people want is how they think that the thing will make them feel.  We want feeling rather than physical substance despite the fact that we really think that it’s the thing we want.  How many times have you gotten the “thing” you want only to be dis-enamored by it 2 weeks, 6 months or 5 years later.  Relationships can be a good example of this.  You might get really excited about a new partner, only to find that you don’t really like them a year or two into the relationship.  All the ways you had hoped you would feel in the relationship you no longer feel and now you find yourself trying to find a way out and seeking that ‘state of being’ you desire through new experiences or forms.

When you see that it’s the state of being that you desire it stops the cycle of chasing experiences or things.  Sometimes we have to go through many, many disappointments before we realize that what we want isn’t the thing.  Some people never learn this completely.  There is power and freedom to the end of the chase, the end of seeking and of looking outside of yourself for fulfillment, love or purpose.  If we spent as much time and energy on cultivating our desired state of being, as we do on trying to both actively and passively get what we want, we would rather quickly discover fulfillment.  We need only to dismantle the story that it’s the thing that we want.  Let our attachment to the form of our desires go.  Forms change and change and change.  Forms are simply modes and methods of experience and learning, and attaining them or having them is not what brings us lasting joy.  Rather our determined state of being is.   


It’s not about getting

In a way true fulfillment requires both active and passive manifestation.  When we relinquish our attachment to forms and experiences, and rather focus on our state of being as primary, we will discover that life moves through us.  This is the more passive way of manifestation.  Even though I call it passive, it requires surrender and letting go of control, which most of us really suck at.  Frequently when people say that they are going to allow what they want to happen through them, they either don’t have any real conviction or intention behind it, or they “secretly” are trying to control what is happening.  I say secretly because they are often quite obviously to their lack of trust and often mentally attempting to control outcomes. 

When we do align ourselves or become the frequency of our desire we will frequently find that activity wants to be done by us and through our vehicles (i.e. our body and mind).  This means that there may be lots of activity and doing of stuff.  Many times when people choose active manifestation they do it from a place of not first being in their alignment.  Their focus is more on the outcome of what they desire rather than on their state of being.  This leads to burnout and overtime resistance to doing.  Many people feel tired by the active way of manifestation.  They don’t want to work so hard.  They want to play more.  However what I find that people are really tired of is not all the doing and hard work, but rather they are tired of being out of alignment or not in their preferred state of being.  Work is play when we are aligned.

I wish that all of the spiritual programs that advertise things like “manifest the life of your dreams”, rather said “become the frequency of your desire”.  It would be a lot less confusing for people and end the frustration people feel when they are unsuccessful in their attempts to get the thing they want.  See nothing about this life journey is about getting, and while almost everyone is focused on getting one thing or another, it all leads to disappointment at some point whether you get it or not.  It all ends.  All forms at some point change form.  People, relationships, businesses, communities, projects, events and on and on.  This is not a negative unless you choose to look at it from that perspective, which most people do.  Rather it’s simply the way of expression of life.  Everything is constantly learning and changing it’s form and structure based on it’s learning.  This is intelligent design at work.  It’s evolution and growth.  There is nothing bad or wrong about it.  

So if life is not about getting, manifesting or creating everything you want, then you might wonder what it’s about.  It’s about what you are.  It’s about your alignment with the intention for your existence.  It’s about being your preferred state of being no matter what is happening in the appearance of life.  True creation and manifestation occurs by your vibration.  You create what you are, not what you do.  You give what you are, not what you do, even though doing is often involved.  Ultimately you get what you are as well, even when the focus is not on the getting.  When you give to life, rather than get from life you add energy to the field and your experience naturally becomes richer.  I am not suggesting martyrdom, though some may need to go that route first.  I am suggesting placing more attention, focus and awareness on your state of being as primary.  As your alignment in your preferred state strengthens you will discover giving is just an effect of your alignment.  

Dr. Amanda Love, Chiropractor, Network Spinal Analysis & Somato-Respiratory Integration, Boulder, Colorado