Plunging into the subconscious 

Tumbling, tumbling, tumbling down the rabbit hole, like Alice in Wonderland, is synonymous to diving into your subconscious. The subconscious mind is that aspect of mind that is accessible in dream time, during altered states of consciousness and in meditative states.  Our subconscious holds information about our current life, and information from other places and points on our timeline. Simply because our subconscious mind isn’t in the forefront of our everyday awareness doesn’t mean that we can’t learn how to readily access it and integrate the information that it stores. In fact accessing our subconscious mind regularly is what allows us to become more fully aware of ourselves and live more awake to all that we are.

Found within the subconscious mind is a storehouse of beliefs that we live our waking lives by.  These beliefs create the reality we perceive and experiences that we have.  In tumbling down the rabbit hole of our subconscious minds we often stop at various spots along the way.  When we stop in a particular location we get an opportunity to see some aspect of ourselves at that place.  This means that we get to explore a belief we have, or a way that we see the world that we couldn’t see in our more ordinary state of being.  Once we see the belief, the opportunity to change it becomes available.  Other things that stop our tumble are when our higher self wants to show us things that will support our current journey that were previously illusive to us. Such things might be a particular truth or knowing, a vision or skill/ability that we have but forget we had, or other knowings that support our level of participation in our earthly life and experience. Lastly at times we stop our tumble in a particular location in order to integrate experiences that we’ve had during or before this life that we haven’t been able to fully process.  

The journey of tumbling down into our subconscious mind is vital to the process of “waking” up, of becoming more aware, more illuminated.  To bring the light of our awareness to these un-illuminated aspects of self is the spiritual journey.  Without deliberating taking on this journey your growth as a soul is supported by the field of the collective that does take on this journey, but the self-generated momentum is not present.  This means that relative forward soul progression (ie. waking up) will occur, but only secondary to the pace of the larger collective field.  Your deliberate, conscious choosing of the tumble down the rabbit hole will accelerate and create a self-generated fuel source within your own field.  This will contribute to your individuated soul/field consciousness and also the larger body that aligns with the intention of illuminating human consciousness.  


Keep tumbling down

Just how far down does the hole of our subconscious go?  As far as I know, it’s infinite. It has no end.  Sometimes we plunge down the hole and we think that it ends somewhere. We think we will find a bottom and at that bottom we will have “arrived”. Arrived where exactly is a question one should investigate if they find themselves stopped somewhere.  Some assume that they will arrive at enlightenment or eternal peace and joy.  I will say that there are locations along the way, of the plunge into the rabbit hole, that are ecstatic, blissful, and feel deeply free.  Places of pure clarity, knowing and seeing.  Yet if we find ourselves stopped at a location experiencing these states, we have only arrived in a location that has different knowings, beliefs and allowances then the location we currently spend the vast majority of our consciousness.  We haven’t arrived “at the end” of anything. As far as I can tell there is no end, so to assume an end is to end artificially.  To stop your tumble and believe that, that is it, no matter how blissful, is to cap your expansion as a soul. 

The key is to keep tumbling.  To only stop where there is relevance.  To not get distracted by thoughts, sensations and other experiences along the way that halt your further deepening.  To not grab onto anything or attempt to stop the tumble in order to figure things out.  To instead stay in free fall.  The tendency of our minds is to want to grab onto something familiar or something shinny.  The free fall feels, well free, and that is often too much for our constrained, contained and controlled mind.  So we grab to find some ground of stability and familiarity inside of our experience rather then staying in free fall, rather than staying in the mystery of what is.

Our perceived need of certainty, to know or understand what is happening, interferes with our fall and thus our freedom.  Many doubt that they can live in the mystery of not knowing. They believe that they can’t make decisions, get things done or feel safe if they don’t know what to expect or do.  Essentially they don’t trust, they don’t have faith. This lack of faith leads to us feeling like we have to rely on our own mind’s knowing or our own self.  While most live their entire life in this manner, it is exhausting, depleting and clouded from the knowing of self, of Light, of God.

If one desires to know self and live reality rather than mind created illusion, than one must be willing to continue tumbling. If you haven’t started the fall into your subconscious, begin there. Take your first step into the hole and see what’s there.  If you’ve visited several times now see how far you’re willing to fall without getting distracted or grabbing on. If you find yourself stopped, look for learning or relevance there.  Stay until it feels complete.  Then continue to tumble.   Notice how you can live in this ordinary reality in total innocence, in the mystery, allowing the moment to reveal itself through you.  Don’t mind what things look like and don’t mind what happens. Grasp not to any idea, thought or sensation.  In this way your being becomes a vessel filled with God, with infinite energy and intelligence.  That is all that is and all that matters.  Empty of personal agenda and motivation your body-mind is moved as God.  All that is, is.  Everything is here now.  One will.  One God.  One being.  

Dr. Amanda Love, Chiropractor, Network Spinal Analysis & Somato-Respiratory Integration, Boulder, Colorado