Love as a Technology

Love as a Technology 

What is technology?

Concept of human intelligence.When most of us think about technology we think about devices, typically electronic devices.  Whether those devices are the personal equipment we use such as our computers or cell phones, the advancement of software and information systems, electric cars and other transportation devices, or medical equipment.  From our current perspective, technology is seen as advancements that assist us in being potentially more connected, creating opportunities for greater ease and efficiency, and opening up our external world in ways that create novel avenues of experiencing life.  

There is much debate about whether this advancement of technology is good or bad for us, but undeniably we can all agree that the advancement of technology has radially changed our lives on this planet and there is no doubt that technology will continue to improve and advance.  Our technological advancement focus has largely been on the design and creation of inanimate objects rather than focusing on advancements of our own neurological systems and software.  It is almost as if we have collectively failed to see that these bodies and nervous systems that we have, are some of the most advanced “pieces of technology” that are currently on this planet.  It’s too obvious in some ways, in plain sight but overlooked, and the focus has been on the advancement of lifeless objects rather than animate ones.  In this way we have given more power to inanimate objects to advance our life experiences rather than recognize the power of the most intimate animate object that is currently in our existence, our physical body.  

What is it like to see your body as technology?  In spiritual circles we often talk about the body being a vehicle for the soul.  Whatever information that a vehicle (or technology) is wired to tune into it will express.  Said another way, the wiring determines what information and energy can be experienced.  This is as true for our physical vehicles as it is for our inanimate vehicles as well.  Inherent in the system of Network is the advancement of the neurological architecture and circuitry so that you can tune into a wider range of frequencies that allow you to access different information.  This is one of things that makes Network unique among many systems out there.  Its focus is and has always been on advancement of the neurological system.  This is the advancement of our biological technology if you will.   

What’s Love got to do with it? 

The most advanced technology

Blue heart fantasy nebula in spaceThe uniqueness of animate vs. inanimate objects is the capacity for sensorial, emotional, mental and soulful experiences and expressions, rather than just basic input and output of commands.  The capacity and range of these body vehicles that we each have is extraordinary.  Part of the spiritual journey is the development of pathways through this vehicle that allow us more and more access to our soul, which is that next level of development beyond the mind.  So many of us that are here right now have the wiring and/or are creating the wiring, which is allowing for soul energy and information to come through our physical vehicles more and more, which is key to the integration and evolution of our biological advancement to the next level.  

Just as sensations are the information of the body, feelings the information of the emotional body, thoughts the information of the mind, love is the information of the soul.  Many people are attempting to use their mind to understand love or to understand the information contained at the next level of our development, yet the mind is not wired for that function.  This often creates a sense of frustration or hopelessness for many on a spiritual path who keep trying to use their mind to understand love.  This is also why dismantling the idea of you as a separate mind or person has to occur to some level before you can directly experience your soul otherwise you will just keep run up against the edge of your perceived sense of self as a separate person-mind not being able to “see” beyond it.  The primary force, if you will, that dismantles this idea of separateness is love.  

Love heals.  In this way love is a technology in itself.  The most powerful one in my opinion.  Love heals because its knows its already whole and perfect state.  We all know love heals and we preach the power of love, yet we have a tendency to forget it particularly when other parts of our system get activated.  When this happens all of our energy diverts into those other aspects and the information that we receive becomes about survival sensations, intense emotions or habitual thoughts depending on where we get looped.  

The conscious generation of forgiveness of everything and acceptance of all blows the heart open.  When the heart is open your system gets saturated in love.  This love then works on your system.  It creates new pathways, patterns and access points.  You then begin to access and express different information.  The information of love is community, togetherness, interconnectedness, wisdom, grace, awe, pure light, unity, and one.  

Love is the most advanced technology currently available to us.  Some of us have more access to it than others, simply meaning the pathways are more grooved in our systems to express it through this body vehicle, yet love is free, unbound and available to all who have the hunger for it.  I invite you to remember and reconnect to love as often as possible and recognize that this technology is the number one key to the advancement of this entire human race.  

Dr. Amanda Hessel, Chiropractor, Network Spinal Analysis & Somato-Respiratory Integration, Boulder, Colorado