Being a channel for love

We are all receiving & broadcasting something.  These bodies are conduits, in which information and energy flows into and out.  You can think of that flow of energy or information coming down through the top of your head, continuing by flowing down your spine and then transmitting out through your body via the words you speak, sounds you make, actions you take, and your presence.  While most people tend to think of themselves as an individually contained body-mind unit that is separate from everything else, generating its own thoughts, you are more like a receptacle that exchanges information and energy from subtler realms into a seemingly more dense or physical ones.  In this way we are all channels.

Some people might believe that “channeling” is only for psychic people and that it is metaphysically oriented.  However the way I see it is that everyone is channeling thoughts and emotions all of the time, which by the way are subtler forms of energy even if you tend to think of them as more dense because they are more familiar to your experience.  There are different frequencies that can be tuned into and channeled as your system opens and unwinds.  As we become less fixated and rigid we can tune into increasingly subtler and subtler energy and information.  When I use the word subtle all I mean is lighter in frequency, not necessarily harder to hear or find.  To someone who’s system is more open, subtle energy is as obvious as the physical hand would be anyone who has a physical body.  I say that to reiterate that subtle does not mean harder to find, only lighter in frequency and requiring a more refined awareness of self.

In order to tune into lighter frequencies our focus on denser frequencies must lessen so that these channels become quieter in our awareness.  Due to the fact that most people are focused on and merged with thoughts, emotions and sensations for most their waking day, those frequencies tend to dominate our bandwidth.  There are however other frequencies to tune into and channel.  I will break this down into 2 basic domains.  One is to channel what may be thought as the more traditional sense of channeling.  This would be tuning into frequencies of beings not incarnated in human bodies or having human constitutions.  Commonly know examples of this type of channeling would be people like Paul Selig, Bashar, Abraham Hicks or Edgar Cayce.  This is not everyone’s path, journey or gift to share, but it is a possible expression for some.  The second domain is to channel more of “yourself”.  What I mean by this is that rather than channeling the familiar thoughts & emotions, you channel your soul frequency.  Your soul is the next subtler body beyond thought energy.  It has a different expression than thoughts and emotions, but there are similarities in experience across beings.   


From thoughts to souls

To begin to channel your soul, is like a toddler beginning to have thoughts. There is a development, refinement and sophistication over time.  The most essential, common and basic, if you will, experience of channeling your soul is a feeling sense of love.  Love that is not attached to any object or person, but simply a state of being.  It has a vibratory feeling of excitement and it feels joyful, even ecstatic.  The amount of energy that that comes from channeling your soul is quite different than thought or emotion.  There is a higher frequency to it and greater intensity.  Some people may describe this as more coherent energy or a richer energy experience.  There is a tendency to feel more present and at ease while simultaneous alert and aware.  You know how to move, act and behave without deferring to thought.  An intelligent energy seems to move your body-mind rather than you (or your thinking) moving your body-mind.  There is also a feeling sense of less inhibition and more freedom to simply express as you are not thinking about what you are doing, what it looks like or how others might judge you.  

The soul frequency has its own unique expression.  Here is where presence really arrives.  This is where you can feel someone and what they are transmitting without them doing anything.  They may just be sitting in a room or give you a look, but you can feel it resonate or move your entire being even if you don’t entirely know what you are feeling.  When someone is channeling soul frequencies it will also begin to activate that channel in you to whatever degree you are ready to open to it and your development is primed for it.  This often happens in the group entrainment room and is one of the primary reasons that I work in a group setting or field.  It is to give your system a greater and more concentrated experience of soul frequencies.  You may begin to feel some subtle shifts even if you aren’t sure what is happening exactly.  It’s kind of like the equivalent of a baby hearing spoken words.  Even though they don’t understand it fully when they are babies, with more and more exposure, readiness, and development, they begin to learn and understand it.  

The primary expression of thought is words.  Though words can carry different frequencies other than thoughts, humans tend to channel thought frequency through the words they speak.  The primary expression of soul is different.  Soul expression is presence.  While this might seem intangible to you in this moment, it is an entire world of interconnected, aliveness that is ever present and always here.  It’s simply that it is not always being tuned into or channeled by us.  Soul can also be expressed though utilizing sounds, movements and words.  Some of those sounds, movements or words may seem very strange or unique to your thinking mind, however to your soul they are as ordinary or normal as thoughts are to your mind.  Emotions, thoughts and souls all transmit different frequencies.  All serve purposes.  All you must ask is what purpose would you like to serve and what is needed in a moment?  Channeling soul frequencies is the next developmental step for humans.  It really is simply a matter of developmental progression.  It’s not a question of if, but rather when.  Just like a toddler develops its mind by learning sounds, letters, words and then sentences, learning to develop your soul is similar.  This is how you become an effortless conduit of love and a channel for those frequencies to be present here.  

Dr. Amanda Love, Chiropractor, Network Spinal Analysis & Somato-Respiratory Integration, Boulder, Colorado